Presentation/Lecture; bad software quality due to software stack complexity with increased separation of layers and participants
SoC (System on a Chip) hardware for embedded/smaller use cases is very common and successful.
Suggests “Direct Coding” with direct hardware access as a possible alternative approach to PC hardware interfacing. Implementing that is more about commitment than difficulty. Depends more on hardware producers than software developers. A lack of drivers could give a fairer playing field between manufacturers.
German pro basketball team relegated to lower division due to Windows update
My favorite windows update was when I was at local Microsoft office on some kind of highschool coding competition hosted by Microsoft, and we had to start 10 minutes late because we were watching the meeting room computer force a restart with Windows update a minute after the introduction presentation started.
Having been to many local Microsoft events, this is pretty common.
Literal Microsoft employees would jokingly tell the presenters not to connect to the Internet to avoid getting a Microsoft update that will derail their workshops.