I hate nothing more than when government regulation, or threat thereof, is a primary factor in how games are designed.
Maybe if they weren’t being so greedy and exploitative that even the fucking Tory government felt the need to reel them in then they’d have been alright. They delved too deep and too greedily and have awoken the balrog. Or, as the kids might say, they fucked around and now are finding out.
By that fucking standard literally every single thing the government could ever possibly do is automatically justified because, in your words, “[the victim] delved too deep”.
I would agree if it was about genuine game mechanics or story or things like that. But lootboxes aren’t designed for fun. They’re designed to exploit vulnerable people for maximum profit, and trick others into giving those vulnerable people an incentive to spend away their life savings on thinly-veiled gambling for virtual prizes.
We have much to gain from lootboxes (at least in their current state) being removed from the equation entirely.
If you don’t support that model of monetization, do so with your wallet.
What about loot boxes in your games lol, are you seriously concerned about losing those?
I don’t give a damn if they’re there or not.