Petition E-4965 is the one that is posted to, Ross Scott (Accursed Farms)'s campaign to end the practice of bricking games people have purchased, whenever the publisher doesn’t want to support it anymore.
It is open for signing by Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents, until September 5th 2024.
Please spread the word to your Canadian friends and family who take interest in games, and please add your name to it to support this campaign to help preserve games in some form in perpetuity.
Thank you!
A couple more petitions for my Commonwealth Fedizens:
Aussie Petition (Closes 20 May 2024!)
UK Petition (closes 16 Oct 2024):
Nice I will share this on the aussie instance.
Edit: I copied the format but removed permanent resident with just resident due to the website saying “Each person that signs your e-petition (including yourself) must confirm that they are a citizen or resident of Australia.” I am not sure if that means permanent or not.
Yeah I used citizens and permanent residents as those are specific statuses in Canada. The Canadian petition has that wording so I included it like that.
I don’t think this is really viable. Maybe some sort of minimum lifetime.
It will be interesting to see how our legislators react to this anyway. We should expect to see an official response from Parliament at minimum.
Signed it! Seems to be just over 4k signatures at the moment. Let’s pump those numbers up!
Yeah. I’m still impressed there are 4000 interested people but we’ll see how many we can get by September.