I sort of like snakes, but am hesitant to handle them because 1) they’re wild creatures and therefore unpredictable and 2) I heard that they will poo on you if they’re alarmed. I don’t need that. It’s more practical than visceral.
Spiders? Hell no. It’s not even an option.
Most people I know fall on either one side or the other. It’s not a bad ice-breaker or conversation starter.
The “conventionally attractive” Marx brother, who usually played the straight man. Still better known than Gummo, if I were to guess.
We’re personally fans of Harpo, mainly because of the metaphorical whiplash that comes from watching his scenes. One minute you’re laughing at the comical clown or admiring his musical skill, and the next you realize that he’s actually a dangerous maniac. (Run, children!!! He is not safe!!)