You’re welcome.
You’re welcome.
That makes me feel so much better. Nothing matters more to these fools than their trucks and losing their position of power.
I think a lot of you guys are missing the point of the original situation… parents at the time didn’t want their kids having premarital sex. And the closer you are to a person, the more likely it is that you guys are going to have sex.
So, keeping their relationships as shallow as possible was thought to help to limit how much premarital sex your kids had.
“Going steady” meant having sex. If you’re not “going steady” with anyone, then you’re not having sex. - Was the thought at the time.
Isn’t this the plot of one of the Harold and Kumar movies?
I want to know some awesome parents like you guys!! The parents I know aren’t very open about this stuff.
It stopped Blue Cross from restricting how long they’ll pay for anesthetic.
I focus on what tasks I have to get done today and do them. Then I doomscroll.
Can you translate into grandma for me?
Ok, that’s kinda what I thought.
Can someone please explain this in non-techie talk?
Who is this old man? I’ve seen two different memes of him from different parts of the show literally stacked next to each other.
I thought you would never leave!
It’s not him. Different jacket.
That car better have good suspension.
I’m not surprised that something like that astonishes you. I’m sure you’re astonished by lots of things.
Dude, calm down. This is the internet.
Also, Putin’s fucking stupid.
There’s food? Must be a nice studio.
Turbo’s a bot?
Casey Point