Reactionary ideology is all about protecting privilege by demonizing marginalized people. They believe in zero-sum rights and privileges: in their view, expansion of rights for another group inherently means a loss of rights for them.
Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
Reactionary ideology is all about protecting privilege by demonizing marginalized people. They believe in zero-sum rights and privileges: in their view, expansion of rights for another group inherently means a loss of rights for them.
So that begs the question: what is this all about?
Wrecking the economy so billionaires can buy up infrastructure at fire-sale prices?
L’homme Arme is such a cool composition. I’d love to hear a more period-accurate version, but this one is pretty great anyway.
Soviet Russia wasn’t exactly a model of progressivism though— it was a rigidly hierarchical society with extreme wealth disparity.
Same for the other examples.
The NTS fallacy is about redefining terms to cherry-pick data. Those regimes don’t match any version of ‘progressive’ I’ve ever seen.
I’ve come to understand that a lot of people see the world through the lens of power instead of morals, and they want to see themselves as the most powerful.
That’s one of the most concise ways I’ve seen it written out. People think reactionaries are stupid; when they say that, they don’t understand that conservative morality is wholly based on putting themselves higher in the hierarchy than the people they hate.
It’s why they make exceptions for themselves and their loved ones: it’s entirely morally consistent that they deserve the exceptions because of who they are.
Wish I’d bought a bunch when they were on clearance.
Fascinating video!
I went looking for some footage of Kowloon a few months ago and I couldn’t find anything. I’m glad she recorded this while she could.
I watched the Jackie Chan movie Crime Story to get a glimpse, and they had some amazing scenes, but everyone had already moved out. It did have some crazy cool action scenes though with some long cuts.
There’s another user who replied to me who answered much better than I could.
Loading a program from disk on the Commodore 64
I haven’t loaded a game on that system since I was probably 10 or so, but I’ll never forget the command.
I memorized it as L-O-A-D shift-2 star shift-2 comma eight comma one.
I live in Texas, and we focused on the glories of “free-market” “laissez faire” capitalism in our American history class.
Not a word about things like the Triangle Shirtwaist fire or the Homestead Strike or the Great Railroad Strike of 1922. I’m frankly shocked that we talked about the civil rights movement at all.
Ok, but is that upright bass single?
Yeah, I’d have left a misogyny warning if I’d remembered that part. Thanks for the note.
Yeah, that’s pretty bad.
I still think it’s an interesting read.
How about HG Wells talking about mini wargaming in 1912? I think it’s fascinating to see proto-nerds inventing the geek stuff that we take for granted a hundred years later.
Little Wars via Project Gutenberg
Conservatism is the theoretical voice of this animus against the agency of the subordinate classes. It provides the most consistent and profound argument as to why the lower orders should not be allowed to exercise their independent will, why they should not be allowed to govern themselves or the polity. Submission is their first duty, and agency the prerogative of the elite.
Though it is often claimed that the left stands for equality while the right stands for freedom, this notion misstates the actual disagreement between right and left. Historically, the conservative has favored liberty for the higher orders and constraint for the lower orders. What the conservative sees and dislikes in equality, in other words, is not a threat to freedom but its extension. For in that extension, he sees a loss of his own freedom.
Corey Robin: The Reactionary Mind
Go to a thrift store like a real punk and find something cool & unique.
“A team of hitmen” LMAO!
If you want to get better, you have to practice every single day.
You’re going to suck at first, but then you’re going to suck less. You have to learn enjoy the process, which it sounds like you do, so great! I like to break up my play time into practicing something new and having fun; they’re both important.
One thing I’ve found is that keeping my guitar out and on the wall makes it a lot easier to get started playing, even if I don’t feel like it at the time. Once I’m about five minutes into playing, I’m into it.
Oh, and practice with a metronome. Most guitarists suck at rhythm (myself included). Using a metronome beats it into your head.
Scratching paper.
It makes my skin crawl.
German chocolate is like a whole other food than the wax that Hershey’s pretends is the real thing.