Don’t cry
Wagner PMC
I wonder if we can lure him away with Ukraine’s dragon drones. Everybody knows donkeys love dragons.
and spicy nugs
You down with PPC? Yeah you know me!
Ronald McDonald gang
Please mind rules 5 & 6
Is everything a bullpup? Am… am I a bullpup?
I’m very disappointed you didn’t record yourself farting.
CombatVideos probably isn’t the best community for this one. Maybe the CrazyFuckingVideos community would be more apt? I’ll keep the post up, but just a heads up for the future.
Fuck it, we ball
I feel attacked
av’ ardy passed*
Simple as
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He’s obviously making a noncredible joke and that’s exactly the content that belongs here.
Holy fucking based
D E M O C R A C Y I S N O N - N E G O T I A B L E
I’m ready to join the war effort