Alvin and the Chipmunks come to mind. Pure 80s show right around the time where it was already thick with lots of other cartoons of it’s time and just happened to be one of the popular ones. Ended in 1990, pretty much saying that it knew the 80s was over. Released a CGI film in 2007 that somehow spanned over 4 movies. All of which, while numerically looking good at the box office, was really criticized because it was one of those film series jerked out from the era it was in and fucked over.

    4 months ago

    Not saying it wouldn’t still do well, but Tiger King released at the absolute perfect time: March 2020. A time where everyone was bored, maybe scared, and in need of an escape that was simultaneously too ridiculous to be reality while at the same rule too unbelievable to have been made up.

    Side note, the guy who made Tiger King made another docuseries cake Chimp Crazy that I find is even better.