When I was growing up, these seemed to be ubiquitous and I never liked them. They seemed overcomplicated for the purpose, and created a gross and smelly area under the sink that needed more cleaning.

I haven’t had one in years, as a simple sink mesh does the same job. But I don’t really know how other people are. Are under sink garbage disposals still common, and commonly actually used by people here?

  • FleetingTit@feddit.org
    4 months ago

    Serious question: don’t these things not just, like, grind shit up and send it down the drain? Coffee grounds are already, well, ground up. I flush them all the time.

    • zlatiah@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      … which is why I never considered French press “inconvenient”… but from what I’ve heard from other coffee enthusiasts, they all found French press inconvenient precisely because they don’t just pour the grounds down the drain & had to dispose it in the trash bin (and deal with the mess). Maybe I’m ill-informed somewhere, maybe something else… I’m not against just flushing the grounds though.