Study reveals some teens receive 5,000 notifications daily, most spend almost two hours on TikTok | Kids officially don’t like Facebook::undefined
Study reveals some teens receive 5,000 notifications daily, most spend almost two hours on TikTok | Kids officially don’t like Facebook::undefined
probably from all those people
who can’t form a single sentence
without hitting “send”
every two words
I heard it coined as they use the send button as punctuation.
Mhm, I’ll absolutely do this sometimes, as a stylistic choice. I usually type and text with perfect spelling and punctuation (at least as close to perfect as my brain can get!)
Sometimes, typing in a punctuation-free or texting in a rapid manner like that can make a message come across the way it sounds in my mind.
I kinda need to do this with my dad, otherwise he doesn’t notice texts. For example he texts me “Buy that spread for €0.79”. “Hazelnut or cocoa?” which if I don’t follow with ~5 question marks, he won’t even notice.
I mean, it’s understandable in cases like those, but when you tell a story that doesn’t require an immediate answer and you end up sending 20 notifications instead of putting it in one longer message, it’s more than annoying.
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Call? What’s wrong with you?
I recently started dating again and noticed a lot of people do this now it’s very annoying.
I’ve got one person doing that in my work group chat. I’ve got Buzzkill installed for the sole purpose of muting the chat for five minutes whenever they send a message in order to avoid my watch constantly vibrating for two minutes.
TIL about Buzzlill. Holy shit. I could probably do the same thing with Tasker but I’ll happily pay $4 so I don’t have to.
it can also be plugged into Tasker :) you can set conditions to run Tasker profiles, for example. just saying.
Buzzkill is the first thing I installed on my OnePlus 11. I don’t remember exactly, but I couldn’t get some notifications to come through as vibrate only, and the ones that did vibrated for too long. Buzzkill let’s me not only create custom vibrate notifications but also set the strength and duration. Game changer for sure
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What’s the disadvantage? I really only see advantages.
So here’s an example:
The first message introduces a conversation followed by a follow up. As soon as you send the first message it’s easier to send the second one too since you already introduced the conversation.
The other person then answers with a short answer where they don’t really have to think about what they write and how they write it. You instantly get an answer.
as opposed to:
The amount of times I’ve had to send this to other developers is infuriating. I’ll wait 5 mins for them to send the part after “hey.” I’m not replying back without an inquiry. I’ve got work to do.
I don’t bother responding to ‘hey’ messages either. Tell me what you need.
Yeah same here, if they don’t say anything after “hey”, then I’m not going to put in additional effort to get more work dumped on me
I don’t really see a problem with that. Also it shouldn’t vibrate if you’re already in the chat. So that really isn’t a problem since you usually see that the other person is typing and usually wait for them to send the message as long as they aren’t taking too long.
and I do, because it doubles the amount of notifications I receive. if 5 people ask me something that way, I end up with 10 notifications, half of them being a pointless “hey”. it’s just plain inconsiderate.
I don’t always immediately rush to check my phone when I get notified, not to mention that when the alerts are fired in a rapid sequence like that you often just don’t have time to open the conversation before the next alert arrives.
Then you’re slow. I almost always have the phone in my pocket
My friends in a group chat sometimes have something to ask me so they be like: ‘Hey, Critical_Insight?’ - to which I two hours later reply: ‘Yeah?’ and then maybe an hour later I get the actual question and an hour from that I reply to it. If they instead would’ve just asked the question in the first message, I then would have answered to in in my first reply, and then be done with it. Maybe it’s just me, but I see that as waste of everyones time.