Is there an easy and free way for me to host a website specifically for displaying college notes? Some of my peers have created a repository of notes and content and stored them in a shareable Google Drive folder. I, however, wish to share my notes in a format more practical than just a cloud storage directory, similar to those of code library documentation sites.
My requirements are as follows.
- I want the website to allow categorization of notes into courses and units or deeper if necessary.
- The notes should support file formats like PDF, images, markdown, HTML or a combination of any of them.
- I should be able to add and edit the notes from any device at any time.
Is there any pre-made software for this purpose or do I have to create a website and a workflow myself? I am fine with either of them as long as the above requirements are met in a convenient manner.
Nextcloud might handle what you want. There are a zillion places that offer hosting for it, or you can self-host it. MediaWiki is another possible choice, that despite the name is more document oriented and less media oriented than NextCloud is. Again, you can self-host, or there are commercial hosts for it. Lots of VPS providers also offer one-click installers for it.