is it well known and do people talk about it … like in the mainstream media ?
(see comment below by )
for folks who don’t know, I was a part of a small organizing team that led to a mass mobilization in 813 cities worldwide in 2019.I am not talking out of my ass.
You should be VERY VERY VERY careful in this environment about sharing flyers for events that identify NO organizer
[solved] by :
- interface to reddit community:
- spreadsheet with info on this and other protests:
Click to show start times
Start times:
Start Times By State (current as of 1/31/2025):
Alabama: No information
Alaska: 12:00 noon
Arizona: 12:00 noon
Arkansas: 12:00 noon
California: 12:00 noon
Colorado: 12:00 noon
Connecticut: 12:00 noon
Delaware: 12:00 noon
Florida: 12:00 noon
Georgia: 11:00 AM
Hawaii: 12:00 noon
Idaho: 12:00 noon
Illinois: 12:00 noon
Indiana: 12:00 noon
Iowa: 12:00 noon
Kansas: 12:00 noon
Kentucky: 12:00 noon
Louisiana: 12:00 noon
Maine: 12:00 noon
Maryland: 12:00 noon
Massachusetts: 12:00 noon
Michigan: 12:00 noon
Minnesota: 12:00 noon
Mississippi: 12:00 noon
Missouri: 12:00 noon
Montana: 12:00 noon
Nebraska: 12:00 noon
Nevada: 12:00 noon
New Hampshire: 12:00 noon
New Jersey: 12:00 noon
New Mexico: 12:00 noon
New York: 12:00 noon
North Carolina: 1:00 PM
North Dakota: 12:00 noon
Ohio: 12:00 noon
Oklahoma: 12:00 noon - 4:00 PM
Oregon: 12:00 noon
Pennsylvania: 12:00 noon
Rhode Island: 12:00 noon
South Carolina: 12:00 noon
South Dakota: 12:00 noon
Tennessee: 1:30
Texas: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Utah: 12:00 noon
Vermont: 12:00 noon
Virginia: 11:30 AM
Washington: 12:00 noon - 2PM
Washington DC: 12:00 noon
West Viriginia: 12:00 noon
Wisconsin: 12:00 noon
Wyoming: 12:00 noon
Why on such a weird day? I can just take off work this week and drive 3 hours to Madison lol. Can I digitally be there. Although I’m expecting an very poor turnout in every state tbh.
I’m guessing since they’re protesting project 2025 organizing the protest to happen on 2/5/25 kind of makes sense.
because in the middle of the week in the middle of the day is when it causes the most disruption to literally everything and everybody. Government officials won’t even be there on the weekend. May as well decide to do it in the middle of a huge field out in the country.
Ah yeah that makes sense. I would do it around 3-5pm so they can’t go home lmao.
Block their parking exits
i was also thinking it might be better in the weekend … fortunately, people will talk and decide.
But also it is called 50 Protests, 50 States, OneDay : February 5th
The date will be 2/5/25. I think it’s more symbolism of protesting Project 2025.