The passkey is still protected with another factor, such as pin code or biometrics
Like when I login to my account, I put the yubikey to usb port, then browser asks me to unlock it using pin code, then I’ll touch the yubikey to confirm I’m in physical access to it, and only then it allows the authentication
What’s wrong with passkeys? I’m in love with passwordless sign-in with yubikey, so much easier and faster than password + totp
I don’t like how there isn’t a nice, cross-platform and secure way to sync my keys. Not all services allow multiple keys to exist at once.
Bitwarden syncs passkeys.
The syncing of keys allows for much greater attack surface.
Its being worked on right now but the standard hasn’t been finalized yet.
Until exporting and syncing keys is properly implemented, passkeys can go kick rocks.
I mean I’m just using my yubikey for the keys, it’s traveling in my pocket everywhere and use it on any platform
Until sites start disallowing youbikeys because it doesn’t make it impossible for you to backup your keys…
What is planned to happen.
Shouldn’t you still need 2fa, and use the passkey as the second auth?
The passkey is still protected with another factor, such as pin code or biometrics
Like when I login to my account, I put the yubikey to usb port, then browser asks me to unlock it using pin code, then I’ll touch the yubikey to confirm I’m in physical access to it, and only then it allows the authentication
In practice this takes about 2 seconds