The democrats sabotaged the popular candidate not ONCE but TWICE because they were beholden to billionaires and their party leadership clearly was more supportive to the idea of a far right fascist than allowing their party to move even a millimeter to the left. You neo lib boot lickers have your heads so far up the asses of war mongering wall street billionaires you cant even see that the obviously visible puppet strings to both parties lead to the same hands. Its sad, you won’t even stop blaming voters and collaborate to do something about this mess with actual leftists ready to work for change, You are just so delusional you keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass blaming working class people for not supporting a party that has shit on working class people and refused to do anything meaningful anytime they have held power since the fucking 80’s. What a joke.
The delusion is even stronger with you. Everything ive said is 100% true not my fault you’re so brainwashed you cant see the forest from the trees. Neoliberal democracy fights any type of economic democracy and is in a fact a class dictatorship as a result. Wake up
The democrats sabotaged the popular candidate not ONCE but TWICE because they were beholden to billionaires and their party leadership clearly was more supportive to the idea of a far right fascist than allowing their party to move even a millimeter to the left. You neo lib boot lickers have your heads so far up the asses of war mongering wall street billionaires you cant even see that the obviously visible puppet strings to both parties lead to the same hands. Its sad, you won’t even stop blaming voters and collaborate to do something about this mess with actual leftists ready to work for change, You are just so delusional you keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass blaming working class people for not supporting a party that has shit on working class people and refused to do anything meaningful anytime they have held power since the fucking 80’s. What a joke.
The projection is strong with this one.
The delusion is even stronger with you. Everything ive said is 100% true not my fault you’re so brainwashed you cant see the forest from the trees. Neoliberal democracy fights any type of economic democracy and is in a fact a class dictatorship as a result. Wake up