Hard drives have longer shelf life than unpowered SSD. HDD are a good middle ground between SSD speeds, tape drive stability, and price they won’t go anywhere. The data world exists in tiers
The flaw with hard drives comes with large pools. The recovery speed is simply too slow when a drive fails, unless you build huge pools. So you need additional drives for more parity.
I don’t know who cares about shelf life. Drives spin all their lives, which is 5-10 years. Use M-Disk or something if you want shelf life.
Tape will survive, SSDs will survive. Spinning rust will die
Hard drives have longer shelf life than unpowered SSD. HDD are a good middle ground between SSD speeds, tape drive stability, and price they won’t go anywhere. The data world exists in tiers
The flaw with hard drives comes with large pools. The recovery speed is simply too slow when a drive fails, unless you build huge pools. So you need additional drives for more parity.
I don’t know who cares about shelf life. Drives spin all their lives, which is 5-10 years. Use M-Disk or something if you want shelf life.
That’s all circumstantial.