This reminds me of once when I was playing the original EverQuest. Someone named Dunn entered the zone and everyone there started OOC broadcasting anything from “Dunn!” to “Dun dun duuuuuuuun!” I was young and sheltered and didn’t get the reference; I messaged the guy something like “what was that all about?” and apparently he didn’t, either. Probably pretty fun to be that popular for thirty seconds for no known reason, though.
People being excited about getting spam from a scammer.
What a time to be alive…
Not a new phenomenon in human nature or on the Internet, by itself. On some wikis (e.g. there used to be extensive lists of “notorious vandals”, then people realized that this only encouraged them further, now this is more limited, but there still is
What’s the scam?
You get scammed into a healthy lomg lasting friendship with a polish girl from Toronto.
Nobody knows because nobody who’s tried to follow through has reported anything happening.
Nobody knows because nobody who’s tried to follow through has ever come back. Dan Dan daaaaaan!
I read that Dan Dan Daaaaaan as the anime not the dramatic music at first and that was kind of hilarious. I probably need sleep.
This reminds me of once when I was playing the original EverQuest. Someone named Dunn entered the zone and everyone there started OOC broadcasting anything from “Dunn!” to “Dun dun duuuuuuuun!” I was young and sheltered and didn’t get the reference; I messaged the guy something like “what was that all about?” and apparently he didn’t, either. Probably pretty fun to be that popular for thirty seconds for no known reason, though.