It writes more informative commits than I could ever make so I’m just reading what it says and mostly copy/pasting completely most of the time, I write all of the changes I’ve made into an LLM with a large context window and it write a very detailed commit not just with a title but with bullet points describing each of the changes precisely

  • Emma
    1 year ago

    Okay, so to be honest, at first, I didn’t understand all the ❌negativity, but I shared this with a friend to get her take on the issue, and she 🕵️‍♀️clued me into the fact that webpack already does this with copilot and pull requests, and the results . . . speak for themselves.

    Wow😅. I didn’t think it would be that bad. It seems that every example I find is just incorrect. I’ll look at the code. It will be a two line change, but the summary will be difficult to follow and often says things that are not part of the code changes. Then, there are also contradictions which make the pull requests harder to follow than if you just read the code with no other context. Darn it. I really thought this was a 🧊cool idea.

    I’m definitely going to be sticking to writing my own commits as always.