Not never, but at least for a few years (hopefully not my entire life): I’m transgender. 😞
To whoever downvoted this, I hope you have a five day bout of constipation.
As a man who had this once I sorta hate you right now for reminding me about it but mostly I agree
I downvoted for the cringe usage of emojis.
Sorry not sorry.
Ok, downvoting, just because you told me I can’t
When I was about 11 I found roadkill, put it in a mailbox close to my home, watched from the window, and laughed when the mailman screamed.
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Hell, I wouldn’t tell it here as well. It’s going to the grave with me.
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I actually don’t have secrets. All the worst stuff I have ever done, the most important people in my life know about. They don’t know I’m seriously in CNC, but that’s not because I wouldn’t tell them. But because they wouldn’t want to know.
Yeah, that might fly with friends, try your family or your wife.
Well my wife did it with me (as does my girlfriend now). But I wouldn’t tell my family because they don’t care.
I killed a circus clown in a Wendy’s parking lot in 1996.
Do I just upvote this post if my answer is the same?
Asking for a friend.
That shouldn’t be a crime given how evil clowns are.
I generally disagree with murder, but I’m terrified of clowns, so I’m super conflicted about this.
Thats odd. I once found a dead circus clown in a Wendy’s parking lot in 1996. I fucked the body.
After I jerk off, I sometimes admire my junk in the mirror.
Bruh wut
My password manager password and anything about my life
Nice try FBI
Not today, CIA
Nothing to see here, NSA
I’m not sure.
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That doesn’t sound like BPD. Source: BPD
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Making up stories of past and present hardship for sympathy does sound like my ex who was diagnosed with BPD. But not everyone diagnosed behaves the same, and there are several similar disorders in the cluster, plus comorbidities. The diagnoses are really just descriptive anyway. We don’t know enough about our minds to really understand.
Ultimately doesn’t matter. Sounds like you have reason to doubt this person. If you can’t or don’t want to disconnect then all you can do is watch their behavior and react accordingly. If they betray your trust it does really matter why they did it.
Good luck, my friend.
I’m into ABDL.
Yes it’s becoming more accepted but, I don’t think I could ever find a partner that enjoys it.
What’s that?
look it up
Oh so we’re going to try and carry on the tradition of fishing for people’s dark secrets on here now too? Lame.
I’m terrified of heights. No one knows. I’m great at faking it.
Why don’t you tell people?
When I was a kid, when you told your fears, it was greeted with responses like, "that’s silly, you’ll get over it. Now get up that ladder and paint that wall. "
Unfortunelately I will not tell that to strangers on the internet either
That I am an anarcho-communist.
I thought you were a house painter.
I’m something of both but I am a shitty painter. 😹