Hey everyone! Looking for any interior decorator aficionados out there. For as long as I can remember I’ve never been able to decorate spaces where I live and would love some advice!

I’ve been at my current home a few years and my living room is painted, but the walls are empty. We have some furniture (couch, entertainment center, key ring holder) and our TV but you really wouldn’t be able to tell who lives there or what type of people we are. This is the case for all of our rooms.

Does anyone have or know of any guides/tips/suggestions for making a space feel more “lived-in” or “home-y”? I’m not sure where to start aside from family pictures, but then get stressed about messing up our walls or something “looking wrong” and having to redo/undo it all. Any way to get past that mindset as well is definitely welcome!

Any help is appreciated, thanks everyone!

  • weeeeum@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    I have a cabinet with some sentimental items. My first knife (knives are my hobby), a candle from my sister’s and I birthday, and ESPECIALLY gifts from others, despite how insignificant it might seem. Birthday cards, handmade flowers, a tiny origami crane and other handmade trinkets. All really miniscule items but they all make me happy. I also have a tiny swedish flag from ikea. Oh and some cat chopstick holders I have on my shelf.

    A stupid little quote that’s proven itself true time and time again is “small joy and big joy, all the same”. Because all these little, seemingly insignificant, items on display have often made me happier more often than other “more significant stuff”. Stuff like a new fancy office chair, expensive gaming PC and gaming set up, nice coffee maker, expensive speakers and other luxury items. It really is the simple things.