Mostly trying to relate.

    11 months ago

    The funny part is how that word supposedly may translate better as “maiden” than “virgin”, as in “young girl” rather than someone who has not yet had intercourse. I wonder how many people have been beheaded for asking about such things.

    Jesus Himself hated such over-religiosity - “Want religion that is pure and blameless? Take care of widows and orphans!!” - but sadly it seems the natural human condition.:-( The extreme irony is how He went to LARGE efforts to just constantly and consistently give the religious fruitcakes of His day the middle finger (“thou shaltest say to every Karen, fuck ye off”), which ofc got Him killed just like everyone else who tried it previously. So like… was Jesus one of the early atheists then, if you think about it like that…? :-D /s

    But I mean, in all seriousness, the gist of Jesus’ message seems to me to be to ignore the fruitcakes and just do the right thing, regardless (“the worker deserves his wages…”). So like, wtf does His teenie sexed-up mommy have anything to do with anything?! But Karens gonna Karen, I guess, and get all worked up about whatever drama they can either find or invent.