• dragontamer@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I’m also a millennial and all my friends are millennials.

    Outside of my history-buff friends, most of my friends (despite being Engineers, Doctors, PH.Ds and other well-educated positions) are very ignorant of the 90s era of politics. All of us have had our awakening starting with 9/11 or so. In fact, the only reason why I know these things is because I explicitly went back and studied the politics of my childhood. Its not a thing I knew back then.

    Most of my elders who were young adults and adults in the 90s don’t know what that song is about either.

    Typical Gen Z will know “This is America” references the Charleston church shooting. As well as adults.

    You know why? Because today, we have the internet, and everyone is far more knowledgable and can pick up on references. Back in the 90s, “Zombie is about The Troubles” was obscure, and hell… just knowing what “The Troubles” were was kind of obscure with a lot of people completely ignorant to the events.

    Today, we have things called cellphones, Wikipedia and Google. The level of obscurity and references in our modern media landscape is far more subtle because everyone and everything is smarter. Have you ever use the Dewey Decimal System, card catalog, and microfiche to look up information? Shit was hard to do research back then.