Seems like an interesting effort. A developer is building an alternative Java-based backend to Lemmy’s Rust-based one, with the goal of building in a handful of different features. The dev is looking at using this compatibility to migrate their instance over to the new platform, while allowing the community to use their apps of choice.

    9 months ago

    Hello World is < 10 lines in Java. Just say you don’t know the language and go away.

    Java runs the majority of corporate software out there, and it is very good at what it’s built for.

    I’ll take Java over Python/Rust any day of the week

        9 months ago

        And yet it’s still a better option than 90% of languages out there.

        Trendy languages are great until they break something or lose support. Java is consistent, and that’s the most important part.

        You sound like some Java dev personally offended you so much that you can’t separate the language from a person you hate for completely irrelevant reasons.

        Like I said, I’ll take Java and extreme OOP over Python/Rust/Go any day of the week because it’s actually readable code instead of a clusterfuck of hundreds of methods in one file

        • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈
          9 months ago

          The only reason you don’t like Rust is it’s the first language in a long time that’s threatened the dominance of C, the bedrock of programming. If it can do that then Java is going to be under threat too. Go failed cos it’s a shit language and Python isn’t even the same category. Java is more readable than Python? You’re having a laugh or you’ve never seen a friggin line of Python in your life.


          for i in range(1, 10):
              print("Hello: ", i)


          import static java.lang.*;
          public class BentJavaClass
              public static void main (String args[]) 
                  for(int i=1;i&lt;11;i++){
                     System.out.println("Java is shit: " + i);

          10 lines vs 2. And you think Java is more readable?

          Back in the day Java couldn’t even handle concatenating strings and numbers and needed you to fucking convert the integer into a string beforehand (String.valueOf()). I see it only took you about 20 fucking years to figure out something most other languages had out of the box.

          What’s with all the unnecessary braces? The semicolons? Punctuation causes blindness and coldsores. Java is a cancer and it’s devs should be shot and their bodies piled high before being tipped into the sea.

            9 months ago

            Ok, so now build an api that can handle 100k iops with a cache, db calls and everything else, and tell me how simple that is in Python.

            Java and Python, like any programming languages don’t do everything well. They do a few things well, and most things adequately. Python is great for scripting and small applications, but once you’re hundreds of files into a corporate software project it becomes near unreadable. Java is great for large scale applications but suffers if you want to make a single purpose app.

            I’d also argue that yes, the Java is more readable at scale. Everything is explicitly typed, braces are so much better than indents (is something 20 indents or 21 idents deep, I never know), semicolons are useful for delineating ends of statements.

            It sounds like your only expose was Java in uni and have never worked with anything at scale.

            • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈
              9 months ago

              is something 20 indents or 21 idents deep, I never know

              You don’t know because you’re a mongoloid who’s never heard of an IDE or a well configured text editor. Stop blaming your own inadequacies on tools and accept the fact you’re a shit dev.

              Like I said - Python and Java are different categories so I agree they aren’t competing. But you do know Dropbox, Netflix and Reddit are built in Python don’t you?

              However, Rust and Java are competing and that scares you. Because Rust has all the benefits of Java with none of the downsides. The only benefit Java has (like COBOL) is inertia. Even Google want rid of Java and it’s why they created Kotlin.

              Java has reached it’s zenith and s in decline. It’s only a matter of time before tech debt and new concepts kill the language off and it goes the way of COBOL and Fortran.

              Just accept it with grace and stop fighting the inevitable.

                9 months ago

                I genuinely could not give a shit about Rust. It doesn’t scare me, because just like COBAL, Java isn’t going anywhere. An IDE helps, but it’s no easier visually than checking if something is within a pair of brackets.

                I’m not saying you can’t do it with Python, just that it gets exponentially more complicated as you do so. Just like you can build single purpose tiny applications in java, you can build massive ones in python.

                Rust and Java aren’t competing outside of Silicon Valley and Big Tech, and even they often still use a significant amount Java in legacy tech. Rust still can’t replicate everything that libraries and plugins for Java can, it’s still not a fully mature development stack, it’s close, but it’s far from becoming the next java.

                Java isn’t a perfect language, I never said it was. I’m standing by my comment that it’s better than 90% of the languages out there.

                • Fudoshin ️🏳️‍🌈
                  9 months ago

                  I genuinely could not give a shit about Rust

                  This is the kind of bizarre rhetoric I’ve come to expect from a Java dev so badly addled with Java-brain-rot that they don’t even know how to write their own name anymore.

                  Rust and Java aren’t competing outside of Silicon Valley and Big Tech,

                  Keep telling yourself that but I’m not the only one here saying Lemmy and Rust has a lot more chance at success. Parts of Mozilla are written in Rust with a view to replacing all of the codebase in it. Parts of Linux and Linux drivers are being built in Rust. Small programs like Exa (ls replacement) in Linux are written in Rust. Google replaced Java with Go.

                  Rust, Go and others are taking over. People have seen the light. Those of us with enough cognitive function left in tact are making moves to languages that matter and away from Java.

                  You’re right Java will always be around just like COBOL. In about two mainframes managed by two COBOL devs in the entire world.

                  It’s sad to see you like this. Arguing for your own abuse and misery at the hands of a language that doesn’t care about you.

                    9 months ago

                    My guy, you’re the one getting all worked up here. I’m just providing thought out responses.

                    You’re proving my point. Everything you mentioned is Silicon Valley/Big Tech. The only place it’s being used is big tech. And yes, Linux does count. That’s fine, but it’s still nowhere near replacing Java.

                    My goal is to be out of software in under 20 years. It’s a soul sucking, terrible job that takes the life out of you. So it really doesn’t matter what you think is coming in the future. Java works 100% of the time for my use cases, and there will always be Java jobs available.

                    Also I’d kill to be an experienced COBAL dev. They can write their own checks doing 40hrs a week of barely anything at banks. It’d be the dream job.

                    I’m not a programmer for fun 99% of the time. I don’t care what’s “cool” or “hot” or “trending”. I care about what keeps me employed.

                    I’m sure not miserable writing Java code. I definitely am writing Python. So I really don’t care about your opinions. They’re not backed by anything but hurt feelings.