In the past, we’ve had issues with women suffrage, slavery, and sanitation, among many other things.

Today we have gun control, AI, intended/unintended false information, vaccines, etc. as consistently hot topics.

In a few decades’ time, what views do you have now that may spark major social debate in the future? What conservative and/or progressive stances do you take today that might be too far on either extreme in the far future?

    1 year ago

    A person’s right to assisted suicide.

    A few countries have this already, and I think 1 or 2 states may have it decriminalized. But I wish it were less of a taboo subject.

    It’s ok and even seen as being responsible when we make these decisions for our pets, yet if you want to make the same decision for yourself, you must not be thinking straight.

    I have not had and do not have thoughts of suicide, but I have been caregiver to several family members and been witness to the end of life stage.

    We should be able to decide for ourselves at a certain point that it’s time to go.

      1 year ago

      We have it in Canada. Conservatives hate it and love to point to a small percentage of abuse of the option however it has really helped alleviate stresses for families and people suffering from terminal illness.