Research lab submits plans for next-generation model at least three times size of Large Hadron Collider

Officials at Cern, home to the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva, are pressing ahead with plans for a new machine that would be at least three times bigger than the existing particle accelerator.

The Large Hadron Collider, built inside a 27km circular tunnel beneath the Swiss-French countryside, smashes together protons and other subatomic particles at close to the speed of light to recreate the conditions that existed fractions of a second after the big bang.

The machine, the world’s largest collider, was used in the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012, nearly 50 years after the particle was proposed by Peter Higgs, the theoretical physicist at the University of Edinburgh, and several other researchers. The feat was honoured with the Nobel prize in physics the following year.

    9 months ago

    I think it’s worthwhile science communication for them to be clearer about what is planned for testing. Some handwaves about “it will help us maybe find dark matter” is much less compelling to me than something concrete like “we have models which predict dark matter particles emerge at X TeV, this will test them.”

    Not that I’m opposed to open discovery either. Maybe when you collide electrons at the higher energy, they turn into pure gravitons and we’ll find the GUT? But I like to think there’s some deliberation and intent behind a project that’s roadmapped to 2070, beyond just long term job security for some particle physicists.

      9 months ago

      we have models which predict dark matter particles emerge at X TeV

      This runs at the problem that no, we don’t have any model that puts anything attainable as “it’s probable we’ll find something here, or else we will learn that all we know is wrong”. The extra energy is all of the “we don’t expect anything new here, but we expect something new somewhere” kind.

      But if you start talking about luminance, this changes quickly.