My previous post was about one of the two kittens I saved being near death and the vet said there was nothing we can do and suggested putting him down. As I said before, we decided against that and took him home to keep him warm. He slept in bed with us tucked into a heating pad. Still as weak and frail as before.

Suddenly around 5AM he woke up. He couldn’t stay still. He had so much energy. He kept jumping off our bed. So I put him and his heating pad in his tent with his brother. A few hours later we went to bottle feed him and he drank sooooo much. We tried giving him some wet food and he devoured it. He’s been acting pretty normal since. Still small but gaining weight.

So despite the vet saying it’s near impossible him for survive he proved them wrong and pulled through!

Thanks for the support on people who commented or otherwise thought about us to send good vibes.

    7 months ago

    I had to put down my 16 yo heart, warmth, and joy 2 Saturdays ago. Something in me is broken and gone with him.

    I got a little runt that needed a lot of help and is helping me heal . I tell him a lot about Katsu.

    It’s been a rollercoaster.

    All my best wishes go to you and your 2 little gremlins and their will to live 🐈