• PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Tax incentives to convert privately owned companies into worker owned cooperatives,

    Income tax set at brackets of the 20th, 40th, 60th, 80th, 95th, and 99th percentiles of income, with the rates nominally calculated based on the shares of wealth controlled by each percentile, and with additional rate hikes for every time a persons income passes a multiple of the median income of those below the 20th percentile of incomes,

    Anyone in the 99th percentile of incomes are banned from public office for ten years starting when they stop earning in that bracket, I call this one the “You’re doing fine, now shut up.”, rule,

    Minimum wage calculated state by state as the minimum amount for the quarterly median rent of that state to not exceed 35% of that wage,

    Wage based on the week, a nominal rate for up to 32 hours of work, with work between 32 and 48 hours of work receiving an additional sum of the nominal rate times 2.5, with any work between 48 and 64 hours being compensated at that sum times an additional 2.5, and any work beyond 64 hours just being completely illegal altogether, as in the manager goes to jail immediately and the shop is turned into a worker owned co-op by force if it happens too many times. Overtime should be what you do because it’s an emergency, not because you’re too fucking cheap to hire the actually necessary labor,

    Price hikes of all kinds are limited to a max of the federal interest rate in terms of percent increase,

    Serious increases in non-habitation taxes for properties safe to be used as housing,

    Businesses cannot use physical office space without having a minimum percentage of essential labor roles staffing that office, essential meaning “this job cannot possibly in any way be done without us being on site.”

    Service industry workers are protected by law and verbally harassing them is a felony,

    Elections are funded entirely publicly, in fact if you accept a private donation of any sort you’re ejected from the election, as in even if you win the ballot is instead treated as if the second place runner up won,

    Hunt down any and every person responsible for the current advertising eco-system and sentence the lot of them to be publicly hanged for a number of counts of criminal harassment equal to the number of televized and online advertisements aired from the date of birth of the oldest among them,

    Post office and library banking and post office and library polling places,

    One congressman for every 50k residents of a state, and 27 senators to every state, more elected offices means more people in government, which necessarily means less rich folks as a share of government,

    Abolish the office of president, hand the powers of government to the House of Representatives and the powers of State to the Senate, and give them both the ability to veto the other by a margin equal to how much a given act by either house passed by, with a Veto Overturn either being a 2/3rds vote, or a 5% increase on the veto margin, whichever is higher, basically this is just neutering the house most commonly filled with the political elites of the nation, ergo some of the richest of the nation, while still having that ability to block legislation from the house if its something ludicrous that pretty clearly violates a large cross section of the states’ interests, also the senate has to pass those margins with qualified majorities, meaning it doesn’t count unless the senators voting to veto something represent over half the country’s population, no cornfield courts in this country,

    • BallsandBayonets@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You’ve got some serious takes there, but why so soft on landleeches?

      If you do not live at a residential address you don’t get to own it. Zero corporate ownership of residential properties, the individual person or family who owns your apartment building has to actually provide labor involved in the running of the building (maintenance or leasing) but cannot take a monthly pay greater than 2.5x the lowest-cost unit in the building.

      • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        I’d agree except that there’s plenty of not rich people who have second homes for a variety of reasons, that’s why I believe in a growing penalty for non-habitation, puts on the screws at the point where you’re actually just being a commodifier instead of being some kind of seasonal resident who jets between two or even three primary homes for work or because you’ve got a bit of nomad in ya.