Are there any good communities to share handwritten cryptography?
Is that a synonym for illegible handwriting?
If that’s what you wanna call it, sure…
You can send it to me
would you really just take a paragraph of enciphered text? have you done that before?
It’s not a paragraph of enciphered text, it’s a table that breaks down Cistercian Numerals, plus an upgrade that adds hexadecimal, while still being backwards compatible.
I just meant would they want to decipher something in general.
Meh, some folks find it an entertaining hobby, writing ciphers and making their own languages and such.
I take it that’s prolly Base64, I’ll check it out later when I get home.
I take it, the base64 decoder result was disappointing?! :P
LOL, I got busy and totally forgot to even give it a try. Whatever, I ain’t really worried about it. Prolly a rickroll or something anyways.
It’s not a rickroll and it’s not base64 ;-)
One of us could probably make one. I might be interested too.
You can have a look at the communities there:
Interesting. Jerboa only takes me to their local communities from that link.
Guess I’ll have to cool off from the miserable heat and get on my laptop later.