Broke a damn and flooded and drowned hundreds.
Made a recreational sport out of slaughtering as many Orcs as possible
“Millenia pass, but orc slaying remains a unending pleasure”
Killed an endangered species as part of their blood sport.
That was arguably a separate faction, although the fellowship did do their best to inspire them to acts of war.
One man’s terrorist is another man’s fellowship
drove a balrog out of its natural habitat
Akshully, they tried to keep it there. Imprisoned because of its religious beliefs! Killed while attempting escape!
Just like Nazist did…
Disturbers of the peace.
The CIA couldn’t have done it better themselves.
are you talking about committing the deeds listed or writing this hit piece
I meant committing the deeds but, now that you mention it, both.
So it’s the CIA who made the gollum sexy? As propaganda? I knew it!
That one is on you.
I think you could make the argument that Orcs are just a bioweapon used to attempt genocide on the races of men.
Ah yes. This unterelven rethoric justifys the slaughtering of millions of orcs on cataclysmic scale
They are a virus, exterminating them is no different than curing the flu
Unironically, yes. They were built for the purpose of war, they must be dismantled like any other unethical weapon. If one of them accidentally develops level of awareness greater than that of a child then maybe put them on trial first, idk. TBH I don’t think they’d even care with the Dark Lord gone, they don’t seem to do well without leadership and just act like extra hungry goblins.
and just act like extra hungry goblins
Goblins and orcs are the same thing in Tolkien lore
All goblins are orcs but not all orcs are goblins, the Orcs of Misty Mountain are expressly Goblins as they live in places like Goblin Town and are lead by The Great Goblin.
Per the wiki
A clear illustration that Tolkien considered goblins and orcs to be the same thing, the former word merely being the English translation of the latter, is that in The Hobbit (the only one of Tolkien’s works in which he usually refers to orcs as goblins) Gandalf asks Thorin if he remembers Azog the goblin who killed his grandfather Thror, while in all his other writings Tolkien describes Azog as a “great Orc”.
I believe if we the readers can clearly differentiate two groups then his intentions as the author hardly matter, so I think the only way to decide this argument would be to see if the origins or physiology of the two are actually any different. I could be fuzzy on the topic but I am pretty sure all of the Orcs in Middle Earth during the time of Mordor were shaped by the Dark Lord with exception of Goblins hiding in the mountains who had their own separate society.
Regardless my statement was that the Orcs without a leader just start acting like overly hungry goblins, which stands even if you think the two terms are the same.
wait, we’re slandering goblins now?
If I call a zombie a rotting extremely hungry man then have I insulted all mankind? Nice reactionary bs, mate.
History is written by the victors.
Yes, this is the difference between terrorists and freedom fighters.
They didn’t kill the balrog. Gandalf merely defeated its physical form, but Durin’s Bane is a Maia, an immortal, spiritual being.
Yeah so what’s it doing now, no body, bit annoying?
I mean Sauron had his physical form destroyed but still managed to be more than a bit of an annoyance I’d say.
Just wondering what they’re up to.
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I’d argue the Balrog was more Durin’s people’s doing. Fellowship pretty much just wandered into a clusterfuck already in progress there.
Don’t forget that the GDP was on an upword trend with Mordor unemployment at near 0 levels. These jobs were never replaced, and won’t unless we can get some government financing back to ShiningSauron, inc. (IPO coming 4th Age)
smth smth “one person’s terrorist” smth smth
Like a right wing spin on proles trying to live unenslaved lives.
The list of bullet points sound like they’re describing some nations I know of.
The problem with “The Empire did nothing wrong” contrarian gags is that actual fascists fucking love it.
you might enjoy The Last Ringbearer by Kirill Yeskov.
having noticed what sub I’m in, y’all probably already know about it.
Damn, I came to post this. Fun thought experiment of a book, and the ebook is (by necessity) free!