Stocks, Investing, Gambling, Bitcoin .etc

Look, I’m not a fucking broker or a hustler, okay? I don’t care that you keep running around telling me or others to go waste our time and money to put into markets that can be incredibly unpredictable. It is all about luck, chance and risk. Things most wouldn’t want to put themselves on the line over even if they were down next to nothing. They’d rather buy lottery tickets.

    5 months ago

    The economy.

    I’m a laborer. When the economy is bad, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

    When the economy is great, my cost of living goes up and the price of food goes up.

    The only people affected by a positive economy seem to be the people wealthy enough to have stock portfolios and large shares in corporations. It doesn’t affect me as a laborer in any positive way ever.

      5 months ago

      Whenever I hear the word ‘economy’ I replace it with ‘rich people’s yacht money.’ I feel that clarifies a lot of my opinions on the matter.

    • snownyte@kbin.socialOP
      5 months ago

      That’s quite frankly how it’s designed. Capitalism favors no one but those that have built it and continue building on it.

      5 months ago

      So, two points.

      First, I’d encourage anyone to save. And as a place to keep savings, the market has done pretty well as to long-term returns. Having money in a portfolio isn’t incompatible with working for a living.

      Let’s take a hypothetical investor named Annie as an example. At 25 years old, Annie has just landed her dream job as a chef, with a starting salary of $30,000 per year. She knows she may never make considerably more than that, but she doesn’t care – she loves her job! She also loves the idea of eventually retiring, though, and because the restaurant she works at doesn’t offer pension or retirement benefits, she knows she’s going to have to make that happen on her own. Living modestly, she’s able to set aside an extra $100 per week, putting that money into an S&P 500 (^GSPC 0.70%) index fund that conservatively returns an average of 9% per year.

      How much will Annie have at the end of just 30 years? Incredibly, somewhere around $790,000.

      Surprised? This is even more surprising: If Annie can keep finding that extra $100 per week for another 10 years, she’ll be sitting on roughly $2 million at the end of that 40-year stretch.

      If she retires at 65, and you figure 2% inflation and use their 9% pre-inflation return, those savings generate a post-inflation maybe $140,000/year for her to live on without cutting into the portfolio in real terms.

      But, okay, second, set investment aside. Let’s just say “does the economy matter”?

      Like, if there’s a recession, GDP contracts. I’m pretty sure that a lot of people look at that and say “Well, that’s just some abstract number. It’s got no effect on me.”

      Inflation, on the other hand, clearly causes prices to rise.

      I was looking at a poll from a bit back talking about how most people – especially in Germany and the US, two of the three countries polled – deeply dislike inflation. They would much rather have a recession than see high inflation.

      In general, economists are going to go the other route. They’ll say that recessions are really bad.

      So, during Biden’s (and Trump’s, during COVID) time in office, a number of policies were made (not necessarily by them) that tended to avoid recession, but encourage inflation.

      Polling shows that people were unhappy with Biden on the economy, because high (well, as the US goes) inflation showed up during his time in office.

      Biden kept quoting figures that are generally considered to be very positive. Low unemployment, for example. But…there was that inflation.

      When GDP drops – and a sustained decline in GDP is what constitutes a recession – it’s indicating that there’s less economic activity going on. What that tends to represent is a lot fewer people working – a lot of layoffs. Companies going under. Maybe furloughs or reduced hours, in some cases. The impact there is that a lot of people have their income go away or be cut, a lot of things get upended.

      With inflation, on the other hand, wages are sticky, tend to take a while to catch up, but do catch up. There aren’t huge job losses. Things more-or-less keep moving along as they were.

      I don’t think that Trump or Biden would have acted wildly different on the matter. You could swap their periods in office, and both would have followed their recommendations, which would have been to favor policy that encouraged inflation and avoided recession, though then the inflation would have shown up when Trump was in office. They’re not doing it because the economists advising them have some special love of having Americans pay higher prices, but rather because they’d consider that preferable to a recession and the problems that accompany that. Also, neither drives the Federal Reserve, which is what adopted an important chunk of that inflationary policy. In the absence of the pandemic, neither would have wanted inflation – it’s not that high inflation is desirable, just that it’s preferable to the alternative of recession.

        5 months ago

        You lost me at “save”. Save what? Pocket lint? Nobody has the funds for savings anymore. I used to put aside a few hundred bucks a month 10 years ago. Now I can’t even afford my entire month’s expenses, let alone save any money.

          5 months ago

          Yeah also stopped there.

          The commenter above was making that very point, that it’s so worthless to give us financial advice and knowledge of the economy when a large portion of Americans are scraping together their last nickels to pay their water bills or their electric bills and not always both. Most people don’t have a savings that can withstand a minor home emergency or health problem, investing or saving with intention is almost impossible for millions of people.

          The funniest part here is that the commenter got a lecture about the economy anyway.

        5 months ago

        Save WHAT? The gas station takes their bit so I can get to work. The grocery store takes their bit so I can eat to have energy to work, and so I can feed my child. The phone company takes their bit so my boss can keep in touch with me when they want to. The insurance companies take their bits so I can say that I’m insured and have the right to drive, and to put myself deeper in medical debt if anything goes wrong. The landlord takes his bit so I can have a roof over my head. Disney takes their bit so my kid can have her favorite movies and shows on demand because that’s one thing I can give her. And now my coin purse is empty until my employer gives me my bit again. Where do the savings come from, oh wise one?