You would be immortal and all basic amenities essential for physical survival would be provided. You can have the age of your body according to your choosing and your mind won’t blow off by accomodating endless amount of memory.

You can choose anything you desire and that too at any instant which may or may not exist in real life, like an endless supply of something or a companion with the same immortality powers as yours, but you won’t be able to change it in the future and there would be no going back. Also you cannot alter your mind in any way that would enable to let you tolerate living for eternity or not get bored of things.

Ideally you would want to have everything just to be sure but by asking you the minimum requirements, it would making it more interesting to know what you think you could do without or what matters to you the most.

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    5 months ago

    The one stipulation I’d put on living forever is the ability to change with the universe.

    Sure, if you’re a god that changes things. Otherwise I’d live in fear of the eternity that is still left after there’s nothing left to experience. In a couple hundred billion years all the stars will be dead. In a trillion years all mater will have decayed into iron and be so spread out that you could never get from one lump of iron to the next even at superluminal speed. A trillion years is the blink of an eye compared to forever.