It’ll be the cheapest place, by an absurd margin, to play Baldur’s Gate 3.

    1 year ago

    Yeah, this person is so deluded in their steam deck zealotry that they’ve lost touch with reality. In one comment they argue the steam deck’s value is in its Linux OS and ability to emulate Switch games, then in the next they argue that the thing is “much more convenient and no fuss”. The only convenience is in the portability. If you aren’t interested in sacrificing power for portability, that offers zero value. As for emulation, arguing that is no fuss would be laughable. Even native steam games can be iffy, requiring troubleshooting like swapping proton versions and entering launch commands. There’s a reason ProtonDB exists, and the Xbox doesn’t need something comparable.

    The Steam Deck is great for what it is, but the only console it compares (and is vastly superior) to is the Switch.

      1 year ago

      It’s basically all I use, and most of the headaches are more about publisher hostility than any actual issues with Linux (no, you not being able to install your fucking rootkit is not a failing). I basically don’t even look at any of those statuses because I don’t feel like I need to. Almost everything actually does just work.

      But we’re comparing it to a console lol. That, to the point of baked in performance settings tuned to the exact hardware, are their whole purpose.