one featured a picture of President Biden pointing his finger, with an “I did that!” caption. the hosts of The Kilowatts tweeted a video showing it was possible to take control of an Electrify America station’s operating system. cracks could conceivably permit hackers to access vehicle data or consumers’ credit card information

    1 year ago

    Expecting all network operators to do that is not feasible or reliable. Tesla controls the car, protocol, charger, and payment processing. Everyone else outside the walled garden is openly handling a much bigger market with many more variables in more countries. Forcing customers to use an app for each brand of charger is also an accessibility nightmare. Fear mongering about skimmers is a dumb reason to remove traditional payment methods.

    This is all before we get to the lack of screen or keypad means fuck all to security (it’s also an accessibility issue to remove them). If I can break into a Tesla charger wirelessly and fuck with your car, I’m going to do it, walled garden or not. Just look at the state of IoT.

    EDIT: This comment aged well