My nieces cat asleep on her giant pink unicorn plush

    4 months ago

    God cats have the best life. They wake up when they want. No annoying alarm clock to tell them they’re late to a place they don’t want to be. Performing work they don’t want to do, for an organization they don’t like. Just to come back where they started at the start of their day…too tired to enjoy the 3-4 hours before bedtime ready to do it all over again.

    Nope. Cats just get to take 19 naps a day, be cute, and get free love and attention from the people providing this free lifestyle for them.

    And then sometimes…just sometimes…they stare into the void. It could be a blank white wall, but they see something we don’t. Something frightning. Something terrifying!!! Whatever it is, it cannot be percieved by our simple human brains, but they can see it. They can see it clearly. So they take off running like a bat out of hell, racing up the stairs and under your bed, only to enter the cat dimension! No greebles can get to them in there! But what about the humans??? Can the humans survive the greebles attacks??? There is no way to find out until it happens. If the humans were smart, they’d have ran under this bed too when the greebles approached. All we can do now is wait, and prey that the macebre of death and destruction is at a minimal this time. For as a cat, they have seen this before, and know how it ends! It ends when the chosen son of goul is reserected into the body of…wait, is the human using the CAN OPENER!!! CHICKEN! CHICKEN! CHICKDN! GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!!!