We talk about writing instruments a lot, but equally important is the paper and related bits.

So tell us, what paper do you use? Do you use any cover/case for your notebook?

  • mongooseofrevenge@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Last year I did the Hobonichi for my daily journaling. But I wasn’t a fan of being locked into a specific format and I was nervous carrying around months of journaling that could potentially get lost. It was a good notebook but not for me.

    This year I went with a Plotter knock-off using different refills and it’s been working out really well. I can change the configuration when I feel like it, only keep the notes I need on hand, with a hole punch I can use whatever paper I want, and I can always have a bunch of blank sheets for whenever I need one.

      • mongooseofrevenge@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        Ya they are expensive for what you get. That’s why I went with something like this. It’s essentially the same thing but has slightly bigger rings so you can fit more. With some dividers and an elastic closure it’s very functional. I’d say the big drawbacks are that the soft leather can make it awkward to write in on any surface that isn’t a desk as well as the rings can get in the way of your hand when writing.