First of all. This is not another “how do I exit vim?” shitpost.

I’ve been using (neo)vim for about two years and I started to notice, that I,m basically unable to use non-vim editors. I do not code a lot, but I write a lot of markown. I’d like to use dedicated tools for this, but their vim emulators are so bad. So I’m now stuck with my customized neovim, devoid of any hope of abandoning this strange addiction.

Any help or advice?

    1 month ago

    Not sarcasm. I’m genuinely satisfied with VSCode’s Vim emulation, and you’re the first person I have heard say otherwise.

    I just meant - that means you’re using features that most of us aren’t.

    Fair point about evil mode for Emacs being better, but that requires using Emacs, which I have found un-usable, so far.

      2 months ago

      There’s many very basic features of vim that VsVim does not have (like… almost all command line commands), basic features which regular vim users use all the time.

      You seem to think that people using vim emulation is the norm and using vim itself is the exception and unusual… Which is very much not the case. The opposite is true, with VsVim users being a minority. It’s relatively novel among vscode users (most just use a mouse and maybe a small handful of built-in shortcuts), whereas vim itself is quite ubiquitous in the Unix world, with many Linux machines even providing it as the default editor. I know many vim and emacs users (including lots that I work with), and maybe 1 VsVim user (honestly not even sure if they do).

        1 month ago

        There’s many very basic features of vim that VsVim does not have (like… almost all command line commands), basic features which regular vim users use all the time.

        ! is supported:

        It sounds like you haven’t tried VsVim in a long be time, or had an unusually bad experience with it.

        (Edit: My responses to your other points were my old man energy, and not worth anyone’s time, so I removed them.)

          1 month ago

          ! is supported

          Vim’s command line, i.e, commands starting with :. The vanishingly few it does support are, again, only the most basic, surface-level commands (and some commands aren’t even related to their vim counterparts, like :cwindow, which doesn’t open the quick fix list since the extension doesn’t support that feature).

          Your experience is out of date.

          The last commit to the supported features doc was 5 years ago, so no, it isn’t. Seriously, you can’t possibly look at that doc and tell me that encompasses even 20% of vim’s features. Where’s the quick fix list? The location list? The args list? The change list? The jump list? Buffers? Vim-style window management (including vim’s tabs)? Tags? Autocommands (no, what it has does not count)? Ftplugins? ins-completion? The undo tree? Where’s :edit, :find, :read [!], and :write !? :cdo, :argdo, :bufdo, :windo?

          Compared to what vim can do, it is absolutely a joke.