I love genuine questions and people putting in the effort to love and understand each other better. If you come at me just wanting to argue I’m going to troll you back. FAFO.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Honestly my biggest issue is getting randomly banned from trans spaces for expressing my own lived experience with surgery and how I view my own body and gender. They’re so “inclusive” that they start excluding people that don’t use their very specific language or share their beliefs exactly. They keep kicking people out then wondering where all the people went!

  • I quit my last job without notice because I had one lined up (but it turned out I couldn’t start immediately) and in retrospect my rent situation would have been a lot better if I’d just scrupulously covered my ass for a month. And I’m lucky enough to have the kind of job where people call back within 12h of me submitting a resume but that’s exactly because I do the kind of 100% essential jobs that have a coinflip’s worth of shitty bosses and the kind of pay that leaves you paycheck to paycheck if you’ve had bad enough luck and/or life choices in a particular year. I guess I could’ve just called places and got some temp work from the first employer to offer but then I’m still having to cover my ass but now against the devil I don’t know while learning a whole new set of policies that I’m only gonna use for one month before I’m learning the next ones. If you’re in a secure enough position in your life that you can just quit because you have a good enough balance of savings and demand for your skillset then please take a moment today and practice gratitude to whatever entity or lack thereof that you attribute your good fortune to.

  • I’ve talked here before about how delusions self-reinforce by:

    • contextualizing everything (even new information that at face value seems contradictory) as part of the delusional belief system.
    • driving the person away from non-delusional social supports through repeated conflicts.

    So the solution is to get them out of the cult bubble and into diverse reality based interests / hobbies that connect them with people who don’t have those beliefs. You specifically want plenty of variety to increase the odds that they will both:

    • find one they like enough to pay attention to outside of the context of the delusional belief system
    • find people that are willing to look past the toxicity long enough for them to reintegrate.

  • For poop:

    • the bristol stool scale
    • and your frequency (anywhere from daily to weekly is normal and varies a lot person to person so learn your normal)
    • color can vary a lot so that’s less important but here’s a few common ones other than brown:
      • bright red. This is a small amount of blood and from very close to the exit so it’s not great but you’ll be fine. Be nicer to your butthole though: stop eating taco bell and use more lube. Maybe put some A&D on the outside until it stops doing that.
      • dark black like tar. This is what a lot of blood from very deep in you looks like. Go to the ER immediately.
      • light grey / white. This means your liver isn’t putting old trash red blood cells into your poop like it’s supposed to and you should go to the ER immediately and find out why not and where it’s putting them instead.

    For piss:

    • should be light yellow “straw” color and clear
    • not cloudy and DEFINITELY never chunky.
    • Also should not be a syrupy consistency, I’ve legit seen diabetics pissing and it looks like they’re pouring syrup into the toilet also that’s how you get horrible bladder infections bacteria love that sugar.
    • You should also pee about 4-10 times daily and it can vary a lot depending on how much you’re drinking and how much you’re losing other ways like sweating or vomiting.
    • if your pee turns a little dark throughout the day that’s fine and you just need to drink more water.
    • if your pee suddenly turns dark brown go to the ER.
    • beets have a dye that can change pee color and that’s harmless
    • some medications can change your pee color and sometimes that’s fine and sometimes it’s bad talk to your doctor about it but for example
      • pyridium turns it red and that’s fine
      • I can never remember which b vitamin but it makes your piss super bright yellow and so people use it to help fake drug tests because it makes their urine look less dilute when casually observed. They’ll be able to tell what you did if they look closer though.