Sometimes I make video games

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • Spotify has vaguely attributed the need for the API changes to improving security:

    • In its blog post, Spotify says that it rolled out the changes with “the aim of creating a more secure platform.”
    • In a community forum post, a Spotify employee says that “we want to reiterate the main message from the blog that we’re committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all Spotify stakeholders.” The post has many pages of replies from frustrated developers.
    • In a statement to The Verge, Spotify spokesperson Brittney Le Roy says that “as part of our ongoing work to address the security challenges that many companies navigate today, we’re making changes to our public APIs.”

    This is fairly disingenuous. The affected endpoints are all GET requests, which are read-only requests that provide some data about the track/artist/playlist/etc. There isn’t really very much potential to do anything insecure here.

    The only thing they’re securing is their hegemony.

  • I think the answer depends on how you define art.

    Like, the artist in me wants to have a discussion about the appeal of abstraction versus impressionism, and whether you should compromise your artistic vision for the sake of commercial success.

    The pessimist in me says that the most popular physical art is probably Pokemon trading cards and other merch.

    “Physical Art” is a pretty broad category because there’s still a million mediums you can choose from. Would making prints of digital art count as physical art? That might be a question for the philosophers.

    Anyway, if you’re looking to break into the scene then you should probably visit some craft fairs / galleries / tourist traps and see what they’re selling. Talk to the artists in the medium you want to explore.

  • I had a kid at a summer camp where I was teaching have an unusual one maybe 5-6 years ago.

    I’m going through the roll call, and there’s a kid who’s first name was listed as ABCDE. I think that’s pretty weird, so I assume it’s an error like somebody made a mistake on the intake form or the database garbled something.

    So I skip over that one, and at the end I ask if I miss anyone. A girl puts up her hand so I ask for her name and she pronounces it like “Ab-siddy”

    I realize they’re the same kid, and that her parents fucked her. I think she knew what was up and was kind of ashamed. Poor kid, I didn’t ask her to spell it

  • A common refrain I’m seeing in this post is that if there’s something wrong with the model you can just retrain it. There’s a couple problems with that assumption.

    The state of the technology actually makes training a model somewhere between difficult or opaque. And what I mean by this is that in order to train a model you need to give it data. A lot of data. An amount of data that a single person frankly either doesn’t have access to or has no simple way to generate. And even then, there’s no way to be sure how the model performs until after the training completes, so even if you’ve collected all that data you won’t know it’s an improvement.

    But for the sake of a hypothetical let’s ignore the current state of the technology and imagine that wasn’t a problem.

    If an AI representative votes for me, and it gets that vote wrong, I won’t know about it until after it has voted for me. And by then it’s too late - I’ve already voted against my interest.

    Also it seems that your position is that these AI reps are for people who care enough about politics to care, but don’t care enough to do. I don’t know that those people would ever confirm that their model is actually voting in their favour. If they don’t care enough to vote, then they don’t care enough to confirm their votes either.

    The most damning thing about using AI for policy though - AI is NOT a decision making tool. Ask anybody who actually works on AI. It might fool the people who use it, and the people who sell it to you will tell you anything to make an extra dollar. AI is just a formula that spits out words instead of numbers. Sometimes it strings together a cohesive sentence and sometimes it hallucinates. There isn’t any Intelligence happening under the machine, it’s all Artificial.

    AI is essentially autocomplete on steroids. It has no capacity to reason or argue, it just says what it’s trained for you to expect. It’s not a thinking machine and I sincerely doubt it ever will be

  • I think anybody who says they haven’t questioned their sexuality is likely to be lying. Then again, we’re all biased by our lived experiences and I’ve spent a lot of time questioning things, so I could be projecting.

    At the end of the day I want to say to like who you like. What happens between consenting adults is nobody’s business but theirs, and the sun isn’t going to implode because you dig on a girly dude.

    Hell, you don’t even need to put a label on your sexuality. Or your gender for that matter, although that’s a whole different can of worms.

    Depending on where you are, you might be growing up alongside harmful anti-queer rhetoric. That kind of thing makes it very difficult for a lot of people to admit their sexuality with any degree of nuance. People living in fear will lie to their friends, family, and selves in order to hide their attractions. It’s sad and harmful, and it also makes it difficult for some people to be open about sometimes liking a person that is outside what they believe society expects of them.

    You guys should get coffee or something. I wouldn’t pass up on a chance to learn more about myself

  • I’m not sure if this question is positing that women aren’t stimulated by porn visually, or if it’s using porn as an example of something to be stimulated visually by.

    My wife likes cartoons and has a diploma in animation. Her class was like 80% female. Animation is pretty much by definition visual stimulation.

    But if we’re talking exclusively about eroticism, there’s female directors making porn for the female eye too. IMO it relies less on the gonzo fake shit and tropes of mainstream porn too, so it might actually be healthier to consume (note: not a sexologist)

    Either way, I’m not sure that this divide between men and women exists where you think it does