Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.
Tool use? Any examples of this, cause that sounds like it would be cool to learn about.
The real question for the intenet is how long until your character ends up with Rule 34 art?
The answer is, when you showed the internet!
Well yes, but also no.
The term pupil is used to describe an area that exists inside a three dimensional space, the eye, and while that space may not have anything that reflects light, it does contain something. The surface of the eye, known as the lens, and the liquid or ‘jelly’ that is contained inside the eye. So that area that is light reflective material would include the whites and the iris, but the inside of the eye is not just empty space. If it was, your eye would collapse like an uninflated beach ball, and you wouldn’t see very much at all. Arguably the term pupil is used to refer to the non-reflective area of the eye bordered by the iris and containing the lens.
Don’t forget banning abortion and birth control through moral and legal processes. Time to give birth to the next generation of disposable exploitation.
Sounds like a ‘fade to black’, as I call them.
Thomas the Tank engine with George Carlin standup voiceover remix. Funniest shit I’ve heard in a long time.
Driver less cars, because cars in the US have less safety regulation and laws applying to them, so the US is likely to continue trying to make them a working technology. Planes already have alot of automation, but law requires a human pilot with alot of training.
Plainsong - Horizon Forbidden West
Agrarian society built after the major extinction event and with no need or desire for capitalism? Yes please.
It’s pretty common practice to do when an inmate is going to be outside prison walls for transportation or court trips. At least in NY it is.
Next to the microplastic.
The San Francisco medical examiner's office determined his death to be suicide and police found no evidence of foul play.
Does anyone else find it statistically significant how often whistle blowers commit suicide within a few days of releasing information or making a statement?
You can eat anything once. If your brave enough.
Oh sweet, man-made horror beyond my compression
Although Black Flag was pretty fun, the sailing mechanic was my favorite. Other then including that, I agree with you.
This is plainly insane.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster has decreed to me that VPN use is totally cool and his worshipers should feel ok using them. 🍝
Thank goodness, I’m embarrassed that the walking cheeto would melt down like that while holding one of the most prestigious offices in my country, although unfortunately I’m not surprised by it. I’m glad Ukraine has other places it’s leadership can turn too in this time of need. Sadly, I can only hope that the dark spector of mortality does it’s work swiftly in the oval office and this geriatric orange is done for good sooner rather then later.