The Hero of Twinks
The Hero of Twinks
Aka “they got shit we want”. Probably cobalt.
It’s basically guy version of Pinterest lmao
Really would be cool to stop seeing this shit all over the front page. Pretty sure a lot of us are here because we don’t care about these sites.
As a Foxhole player: Geneva Ideaboard
A lot of companies have massive backend services they don’t really advertise. Amazon makes most of its profits from AWS which is pretty much the primary distribution hub of the entire Internet.
I dunno man, I kinda just figure people should think of it like using the best tool for a job. I use Linux for my home server because that’s what it’s best for. I used to use OSX for my production work because it used to be the best for that (Win pretty much the same now). And I use Win for gaming because that’s what it’s best for.
Modders already on top of optimization. DLCC 2.0 mod already out there. Runs 40-50 fps 4K/ultra on my system unmodded. 3080ti, 12900k, 128GB DDR5, m2.