Imagine telling people your first name is Gunner or Major and expecting them to take you seriously.
Imagine telling people your first name is Gunner or Major and expecting them to take you seriously.
Crusade. The story was just starting to get interesting but JMS had used all of his pull just getting the fifth season of B5 on the air. I’m cautiously optimistic about the animated series that was hinted at by The Road Home but I’m also not holding my breath.
Absolutely, and I’m looking forward to it. I’ll be the fossil holding up the entire self-checkout lane because the retinal scan can’t see past my cataracts, and not one of these kids can stop me!
I only found out a few years ago that Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm by Crash Test Dummies was commonly regarded as one of the worst songs of the 90s, but it reminds me of middle school and summers at the pool. Same with Sex And Candy by Marcy Playground.
I’m more than a little sad to see it happen but it was only a matter of time. At least we can still download past purchases and play multiplayer.
I’m about halfway through the first book. First time through the series. Better late than never, I suppose.
Guild Wars 2’s World vs World mode, but with an established IP and without the bolted-on single player content. And increase the team sizes while you’re at it. Sell cosmetic DLC to pay the bills if you must.
WvW was a blast until they shelved it for a year to focus on poorly-written single player DLC, and lost half of the community in the process. I tried going back a few years ago but it’s a grindfest now.