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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2024


  • Hey, BRT is great! I’ll happily support that rather than building regular car infrastructure.

    I also still vastly prefer the train. Or a ferry, if that’s an option.

    Point not brought up by the other person: Bicycles. I am primarily a bike commuter, and have had one good experience with a bike and bus:

    Last bus out of the city, like 2:30am. Driver has no time for our shit, tells us to bring them inside and hang on, to hell with the front rack. We didn’t even pay.

    I’ve also had my bike half pop out of said front rack, get taco’d, and got absolutely nothing out of it. Totally fucked. No restitution.

    Best case with bikes on a bus is you get lucky and get a spot, usually you’re better off just riding the whole way.

    Trains, have room. Never not made a train with my bike.

  • Oh ho ho!

    Well, are we talking stuff scored at the bar, or on the drunken stumble back?

    Because I have a penchant for grabbing city property that’s been wiped out by some drunk driver already.

    Bike racks. Innumerable signs and posts. A fire hydrant, a big fucking fatty, too. Car parts EVERYWHERE That yellow grippy stuff at the crosswalk. Many, many signs and posts. A whole assed traffic light (fucking finally)-not the post. Jesus, not the post. Yes, I tried. A wooden telephone pole (I had help, and we sang chanties while we did it) The lightbox with the little man and hand. It works! So does the traffic light :)

    For the record, drinking and driving IS nevada’s state pasttime, and a friend of mine once scored two actual streetlights, posts and all. Bastard tried to sell them to me :/

  • So I have a solar setup-older panels, like 15 years old. They can be 3/4 obscured by a building or whatever, and still make 85% of what they’re rated to.

    Which is fucking awesome. Right now, they’re covered in so much dust I can see the ‘clean’ spots where the morning dew condensed on them, and they’re still kicking 20 amps, about 15 more than I actually need.

    Daily cleaning? Way excessive. Monthly? Maybe, probably less. Not a whole lot going on in between rails.

    I’d be way more worried about tweakers trying to steal the wiring

  • The cleanliness of the panels isn’t actually as big a deal as it’s made out to be. Like yeah, they can’t be completely obscured, but you’d be surprised at how fucking filthy they can be and still make juice. Or half-or more- covered with trees, or other shade.

    Right now, my panels are covered in enough crap I really should hose them off, and they’re still kicking 20 amps. So ahhh… fuck it. Maybe it’ll rain and I won’t have to.

    Same with cloudy days-sometimes I get more power on cloudy days because the panels don’t get at hot. Hell, some streetlights put out enough light to harvest energy from-but they’re largely getting replaced with LED’s. Sad face?

    I expect with the type of traffic going on between rails, these will need vanishingly little maintenance. I hope it goes well

  • Gatorade isn’t actually a good source of electrolytes though.

    It’s sugar and pinch of salt.

    However! There’s totally good electrolyte powders that are packed with the goods, and they’re not much pricier.

    Also, sour patch kids have a weird ingredient in the coating that most electrolyte stuff doesn’t have. Potassiumsomething something, irrc?

    If you’re super dehydrated while drinking a fuckload of water, stick some of them under your tongue

  • An honest, actual recovery with CPR is less than half of that 3% ‘success’ rate that gets bandied about. A true, ‘this person actually healed up and had a life afterwards’ recovery is less than half a percent.

    It’s freak accidents that happen to young people. Like 45 or younger.

    Most people getting CPR are medically fragile already-hence the fucking heart stoppage-and foisting a chestful of broken ribs on top of whatever chronic ailments they already have does nothing but extend their suffering.