It’s a faaaaaaaake
Just a simple tailor
It’s a faaaaaaaake
Translation: people have always been morons.
looks at date of publication
That has got to be one of the timeliness answers to a question I’ve ever seen on here. Thanks!
There’s also the film Soylent Green (1973), though that isn’t lab-grown human tissue
Woodchipper. Just be sure to do it in the middle of the night when it’s impossible for anyone to hear you because they’re sleeping.
What if you only have one foot?
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was the first dystopia that I ever read. I’d gotten so enamored with all of the various utopias in sci-fi, especially Star Trek, that the idea that the opposite might exist hadn’t previously occurred to me. While it didn’t change me in a day-to-day kind of way, it helped me make sense of the world around me. I have always loved Star Trek, but it never seemed like humanity was truly headed in that direction.
BNW, 1984, and others helped me understand the world around me, which I think made me a better person in the end. Am I going to be a party to the creation of these kinds of worlds, or am I going to try to help move humanity in the other direction?
I’ve heard of fundraisers where members of the community are “arrested” and taken to actual jail by actual police until a certain amount of dollars are raised in that person’s name. This sounds a lot like that, just scaled up.
My dad’s stepbrother participated in one once. We knew ahead of time what was going on, so when he called to say he was “in jail” and needed help, my dad told him that he hoped my step-uncle would rot in jail and hung up. (He then called the official donation line and donated in his stepbrother’s name.)
Sounds interesting, but I need to know if this is a kissing book.
I can’t say that I’ve followed this case closely, but I have never heard a reason why. Obviously, she’s sick, but how do you do something like this “just because”?
Realistically? Josh Gad.
It’s never aliens, unfortunately.
… and you married her, right? RIGHT? I’m a Red Sox fan and if a woman did this for me, even at Yankee Stadium, I’d be so head over heels in love…
Don’t. Marry. Her.
If it is that I’m planting an idea in people’s heads, then it’s that I’m their king. World peace is only minutes away! Climate change addressed immediately! Corporations stripped of their power in the face of new labor laws!
If I’m just communicating, then it would have to be something absurd, like “bite my shiny, metal ass.”
9 year old was raped by her brother and forced to carry the baby to term. Those interviewed blamed the brother’s access to porn, because clearly there’s nowhere else but porn to point fingers. FTFY even more.
See also: Killmonger.
I know. It gave away the surprise Japanese attack. Why would they get that away in the trailer? I didn’t see it coming!