Poor reaper. She did a good job
Poor reaper. She did a good job
High effort shitpost
Would you rather have no half life game come out? That’s the alternative. It’s been a full 20 years since Half Life 2 so it would have been dead otherwise. Half Life Alyx is a really good game.
“From the River to the sea”
I’m not sure if this is supposed to be hilarious or horrifying. I think it’s a little both
Nobody would be a fan of my little pony in 1998, and I don’t know who could grow a beard at 16, but it certainly wasn’t anyone I knew Though there’s certainly acne
The genocide is only going to get worse. Though genocide don doesn’t have as much of a ring to it. Donny and Benny are best buds
That decision to make it linked to the PSN is so bizarre seeing as I can literally play that game on PC already
Racist comments against Asians
Means exclusively the Chinese
This diagram looks so familiar, and yet so… interesting
It’s in my to do list to buy
To their credit, they’re addressing it.
Removed from blahj.zone? I didn’t think they had reach there
Usually if you’re inside fortifications like tunnels, you are a combattant
Fourty days later, Anon finds that his entire computer file system has been replaced with pics of Morgan Freeman
We found Saddam
Yeah. Cam girls are people too. Sometimes it’s hard to remember
Reminds me of the story of people’s .mil emails going to the .ml top level domain and the Malian government asking the US to fix their shit
Vice Pilot Kamala “Bomber” Harris
Pee and blood tests, and lots of questions