I like to call it a significant career change.
As a child, the house we grew up in had a very large tree in our back yard. I had a memory of burying some skeleton keys near it but couldn’t remember where. The house was old enough that we’d find skeleton keys occasionally and also as a kid they are special.
I searched for days, weeks, months… Digging holes all over the yard and under the tree. I recruited neighborhood kids and friends.
For two summers we searched for buried treasure. Never found them. Might have been a dream I had of burying the keys. I still think about it occasionally and wonder. The tree is long gone and the truth is I’ll never know for sure.
This is an incredible write up and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
I’ve used both platforms, and had fun with both. I barely use either for posting though, and more for trying to follow topics I like, as I do on Lemmy.
Anything to stop ending my Google searches in “reddit”.
Oh, you’ll know.
I don’t see “screwed the pooch” used much but it always is funny to me.
I know all the reasons I should be on Firefox, but I just love Vivaldi so much.
I’ve been using it for years and have it tuned perfectly for anything I do. It’s feature rich, and fast.
Occasionally there are apps or even tools in life where you are like holy shit, this is exactly made for how I want to do a task/job.
My gestures are so ingrained in me, sometimes I catch my hand moving the mouse to perform an action in another unrelated app. My brain notices instantly but can’t stop my hand from trying to do it anyway. It makes me laugh.
I use simplelogin but mostly I still use an email that provides aliases. I break things up into five or six main groups. Content like games and streaming, shopping, social media, and a few others. This works as a general grouping for bookmarks, passwords, note taking, and emails.
I felt using a simplelogin alias for every site was out of control. For me personally I just need it a bit simpler.
Mildly related by the topic. I’m playing ghost recon breakpoint and a bunch of the main characters are hiding in a huge cave. My character said something like “do you have a computer?” And the NPC replied, “I live in a cave, I’m not a cave man” .
Sorry I wasn’t clear.
Fallout 4 is beloved and buggy as hell. Cyberpunk was buggy, and still has bugs but is completely playable over and over again and with my hundreds of hours, I haven’t run into any game killing glitches.
Been playing on and off for years (beat it every way, every ending, 100% most of everything).
It’s less glitchy than fallout 4. Even if there are bugs, they are not game ending or even that difficult to move on.
The game, the dlc, the paid dlc… I thought all of it was incredible and I had an absolutely amazing time playing. I think I’m around 800 hours, but a few hundred were on stadia.
Anyway, if you’re having issues, delete it all, try again and give it a shot. The difference between release and now is large.
Same!!! We stayed up all night playing this game non-stop over the summer in Sega. We would play Mario Cart until our fingers hurt and then switch to Sega and chill for the rest of the night.
Temu is different because they allow a seller to say I’ll make plastic dog shit toys by November 1. So it goes on sale in September and 100, 000 people order it. Now the company makes a single batch and knows exactly how many to make and what materials to buy. It’s smart. That’s why they want your friends involved because it lowers the price more to make more at once.
I’m not defending the company but it is a smart way and less costly and wasteful than making 100, 000 dog shit toys and selling 10, throwing the other 999,990 in the local river and writing it off on taxes.
I use Android, so Fedilab was the app I’m using.
I didn’t want my feed to be an endless stream of news or other languages. So first I joined a smaller server, with a topic I care about.
Then I followed a few journalists, and followed tags I care about like cycling, my hometown, tech news relevant to me, and TV shows.
Lastly after I had that base of content… I went looking for people. When someone posts something I like, I check their other posts… do I like those too? If he’s then I look at who they follow. Big accounts usually don’t follow a lot of others. This is endless but really gave me a consistent group of people who I care what they think and say.
Not easy but worth the time over the course of a week or two.
Also I watched the #followfriday tag where people lost accounts they follow and why.
Also, look at the top accounts lists that exist. Threads accounts have millions of followers so it’s a good bet it’ll be good.
I agree and started putting effort into Mastodon. It took a week or two of filtering and browsing to find users and content but I’ve definitely found a more engaging base of content to interact with that is nice.
I was an engaged redditor who switched 100% to Lemmy and I do not feel quite satisfied with the comments and content.
I’ll stick around, but I find myself on Mastodon and using Ground News more often.
Btw I have comments in my history of how frustrated I was about finding content on Mastodon, but suddenly it clicked after I spent a bunch of time on it. Not a raving endorsement but ultimately I do enjoy it.
Another side note, I was looking for some top users to follow and some have 10k followers, cool. Then I find some federated threads accounts with millions and realize how small we are in comparison. I know why, and I understand it, but it’s truth that small user bases have less ideas.
Based on the comments in the thread, they asked it to repeat before actually having it say anything so it repeated the directives.
There’s a whole bunch of comments relocating it with chat logs.
I have dogs and for the last ten years or so, owned indoor sneakers. I do not like slippers or sandals so I buy some running shoes or something, cheap ones, on sale. They last forever because it’s indoor only. I replace them when they get smelly.
I do not wear shoes that have been outside, in my place.
Works for me!
Can’t speak for the author as to their intentions, but that’s what I took from it.
I’m not vegan, I’m not trying to speak for others, but it is my takeaway that the point is an animals life is worth less than a digital steak.
The headline is click bait imo but the article makes a somewhat valid point about the larger use of animal products in everything. The article lists paper money in the UK as an example so a vegan is essentially unable to use paper money without conflicting with their ideals.
I would say the point of articles like this is a reasonable way to bring awareness of how ubiquitous animal products are in everyday items.
I think it’s a valid topic with a headline written by marketing (and their 696 “partners”) and an article written by someone with a point to make.
I want to like mastodon but I don’t want to do the leg work of finding accounts. I like the algorithm to some extent, I want help to find things.
I also have trouble deciding how to support the post. Liking doesn’t do anything and tooting or whatever puts it on my page. I don’t feel part of the community boosting topics I like.
I like voting things up and down.
Maybe I’m doing it wrong but I try and get instantly bored because I have to hunt for everything. I really tried.
Low heat alone will help a ton like you said, high heat seems to ruin everything and it’s just not needed unless unless it’s towels maybe.
I knew that fabric softener would stop towel absorption but I never thought about dryer sheets too. I thought those were just antistatic.
Also the “deli sites” typo made me laugh.