The conversational gambit known as “finally no more poor people in the room”
There is no better way to know death than to link it with some licentious image.
The conversational gambit known as “finally no more poor people in the room”
Do you think me a poltroon? A veritable cabbage of a man? Am I the corn chip that a bird sold to Satan himself? Please reconsider.
This is so imbalanced and vague.
People used to go full on Rainman designing these CYOAs.
I would sooner buy a PS5 lmao
We could workshop it, but if you’re bad at something, never do it for free
Glad to hear it. You know what they say, you miss 100% of the shots you take
I’ve made my omelette, now I’ve got to sleep in it. If you lead a horse to water, you can make it fish.
Okay, asked and answered. I wasn’t asking with intent to sealion here, and in fairness perhaps I should have posed this question to the top comment. There’s a lot of nuance missing from them simply calling disabled people selfish for breeding. I wouldn’t have even bothered probably, but this other fellow was conflating your view with the idea that it’s the same kind of selfishness to have kids at all given the state of the world, which begins to sound deeply nihilistic. In my defense I was at pains to ask in the least accusatory way I could think of, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for taking the time to make sense on their behalf.
Now we know what comics Charles Stross read as a kid
This view differs from simple eugenics? I don’t yet see how.
I did say it was a shitty, distantly earned degree - the proviso stands.
It’s not the first I’ve heard of professionals hating the DSM, the whole of scientific thought exists within capitalism and so its tendencies can’t ever be entirely free of capitalistic slant. Being critical minded and well educated (as you appear to be, if I may say so) is perhaps the best we can do.
This almost gave me conniptions
ADHD is, as I understand it with my shitty, distantly earned BS in psychology, congenital and not acquired. You can’t just “catch” ADHD, your brain was born with a neurochemical issue - not that I understand neuroscience well, but the dopamine isn’t doing its job of keeping your thoughts on target, hence why only immediately rewarding things seem to be possible sometimes.
There are a lot more diagnoses of late, but I’ve read that part of it is the war on drugs making the Rx systematically scarce so it’s just easier to blame people for seeking care rather than addressing the systemic issues. Sort of akin to blaming the consumer for climate change.
TikTok is probably not helping, and it is easy to become addicted. This is a separate matter however.
Fucking Ted
I’ll let you know if any good anecdotes come of it, thanks!
Wish listed. Should I show my kid? They’re a strong reader but would probably do no reading and smash the button with their forehead most days
People who space out punctuation like that are psychopaths
You would also need judges to consult with environmental and medical experts to properly assess the damages. The trouble with slow violence is that the true damage is obfuscated