Seriously! The only reason oatmeal cookies get a bad rap is because of the fucking raisins!
Seriously! The only reason oatmeal cookies get a bad rap is because of the fucking raisins!
Get fucked, you legend you!
Anyone else do a double take to see if this was a loss meme?
I hope I’m not the only one who, at a glance, read that as Beyonce and not Binance.
I thought she was like fuck it and went rogue.
Factory default, but at least I’m compatible with all other models.
They look so yummy!
Ankylosaurus ftw!
I think it looks great and am super excited!
What about his cat?!
I started with one recipe: split pea soup. I got this recipe from a coworker, followed the instructions exactly and started with a success. This made me want to try other things, and I got turned onto Good Eats with Alton Brown, easily the most entertaining and informative cooking show.
Then I just started collecting and trying recipes. I eventually got enough experience to try modifying recipes and toying around with ideas.
Especially at the start, recipes are your friend. Try a broad array of them, follow them exactly, and get the experience. Also, use tools. Yes, people can punch a steak to see if it’s about done, but that will never beat a thermometer.
If you’re into baking, avoid recipes that don’t use weight as a measure of ingredients. Those recipes get different results every time.
These are the best tips I have for starting out. As you get experience, discard the ones that no longer apply.
Is that Kurt Angle?