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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I would recommend against expecting to change the world. This isn’t because you can’t or shouldn’t try to. You should definitely try anyway. But very few people individually end up changing the world in a significant way. Progress is built on the backs of countless people each pushing a little to together push a lot.

    Aim to find one specific area that you can become very skilled in and use that to improve things in a small way. If you’re lucky, you might end up having a big impact, but you’ll hopefully feel less depressed if you don’t.

    For now, focus on trying out as much of the world as you are able. Learn to be present and appreciate what you can do now. I spent a lot of my youth so obsessed with the future that I missed out on a lot of experiences. Things suck; however, there’s a lot of cool stuff out there anyway.

  • Your first sentence hit the nail on the head. Most Americans travel nearly exclusively in their car. Why would they get out of their car to use a vending machine when McDonald’s has a drive-thru? Or if they are willing to get out, why wouldn’t they just pick up fresher food from a restaurant? Moreover, mobile ordering has solved the issue of having to talk to people.

    The US does have some vending machines like this, but pretty much exclusively in areas with very high foot traffic, like airports, train stations in major cities, etc.

  • The guy who did my driving test (US) generally did not tell me which way to turn at interactions or Ts and would get angry if I hadn’t guessed correctly. Apparently, it was very obvious to him where I should be going, and he shouldn’t have had to tell me.

    At the time, my area held the test in the city with the worst designed roads. Experienced drivers (such as me today) can easily take wrong turns there. It’s like each stretch of road between intersections was independently designed by different people who never communicated.

  • I have been in two car collisions in my life (neither my fault), and this was the cause of one of them. Person was in the left lane with their left indicator on, was at a complete stop with wheels pointing left waiting for cars to pass (I assumed), then turned right into me as soon as I was on their right.

    Fortunately, they admitted it to the police and insurance. It was kind of a blessing in disguise as it technically totalled my old clunker, even though it was just cosmetic body damage. But, the insurance adjuster asked if I wanted to keep the car or not, and I said yes. So he put the damages at $50 less than whatever the % was that would require me to give the insurance company my car for the payout. I didn’t need to repair it, and that money helped as a broke college student.