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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • The golden age of streaming is already over. Peoples wallets are getting tighter these days, but the value of what we are paying for is also declining. There is a lot less on Netflix now then there was 5 years ago and the cost has gone way up. They produce their own shows but then cancel them constantly, even if they have a decent following. Netflix has been putting in effort to make their service shittier and more expensive, removing features that people originally switched from cable to get.

    Netflix IS the content creator and yet giving them more money doesn’t seem to be making their content better or stop them from cancelling shows.

    Not to mention, some of these streaming sites allow you to “purchase” a movie, but then when they lose licensing to those shows it gets removed from your library. So there’s no value in purchasing digital content anymore because it can get taken from you at any time. Digital ownership has become a myth.

    If you want to support your favorite shows, purchase them on DVD or go see it in theater. Paying for a streaming service is only encouraging these companies to continue raising prices and reduce the value of the product you pay for.

  • When I was in warehousing, it seemed like it was the people to kissed the most ass that ended up in management, not the people that were capable. The quietly competent workers stayed in entry level positions, some of them for decades. And over time, more and more of these positions are created till you have guys that do nothing except drive to different warehouses for ‘inspections’. We’d have 3 or 4 different managers come through multiple times a year, rent a convertible to drive across the country, stay in hotels, have all meals paid, to walk into a warehouse for 15 minutes and then leave. Sometimes one would come just weeks after another. We always had to work extra hard to make sure the warehouse is spotless, and they often wouldn’t even walk around.

    Meanwhile, we might get a pizza once or twice a year, and wages were capped. Ask for a raise? Can’t afford it sadly

  • I mean, every person who has died from cigarette related lung conditions might disagree that we’ve evolved past it. That’s just survivor bias.

    But also, micro plastics can get past the blood brain barrier and as far as we know, there’s no way for our bodies to clean them out. Nano plastics are also getting imedded in lung tissue. We don’t know yet the repressions of this but I avoid buying plastic any time there is an alternative. Yes, it’s unavailable that we consume it, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to bring it into my house.

    These days plastic products are sold at huge profit. It blows my mind to see a polyester shirt and a cotton shirt selling for the same price when the polyester probably cost a couple cents to produce.