Plume (She/Her)

Hi! I’m Plume. Whatever brings you here, feel free to ask me anything! :)

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Steam Spring Sales 2024

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I could come up with a thousand reasons as to why this would never happen. Hell, I could even argue that the whole Steam Deck’s existence comes from a series of decisions that Valve made out of hatred for Microsoft. So, yeah, it’s not happening.

    Still though, as a thought experiment, imagining a world where tomorrow, Steam is owned by Microsoft, it’s… interesting, to say the least. In the most horrifying way possible, but interesting nonetheless. Quite frankly, I can’t imagine anything worse happening for video games. Like to me, this is what a video game apocalypse sounds like.

  • Well, I’ve been on it for a while and it’s kind of nice. The last time I was there I could notice that some of Twitter’s toxicity was starting to take root because lots of people came from Twitter. But other than that, I am not comfortable using something that is not open source nowadays.

    I’m done with this shit. I don’t want proprietary stuff in my life anymore. I still have some, but the less I do the better, and especially when it comes to things like this. I don’t want to sit around waiting for inevitable, greedy, shitty money-driven decision to run this thing into a fucking wall.

    Blusky is decentralized-ish, but it’s not open. And eventually money is going to be an issue and it’s eventually going to be filled with ads or be an algorithmic nightmare or whatever, like everything else before it.

    I am sticking with Masterdawn and I barely go there. I don’t post regularly there, I don’t have anyone or anything interesting to follow there. It’s mostly a tool for me to follow software and everything. But I won’t have it any other way. I’m done. I’m not moving anymore. I am done following and getting invested in the latest proprietary bullshit website or app that is cool right now, but is inevitably going to try and suck out as much money as it can from its users.

    Look at BeReal. I love the idea. It’s great. It’s what social media should be. But now, there are allowing celebrities and companies on it. Sucking the life out of it. And I loved the idea but I never used the app. Why? Because they didn’t have a way to make money! Of course this was going to happen.

    Anyway. Is it open-source? No? Then I’ll pass.

  • Well, my thinking was that I wasn’t sure, actually. I just liked their proportion better. They were nice looking. It was almost a running gag for me and my friends that I would always play women.

    There were exceptions, like if it was a character that was speaking it would depend on the voice, for example in Far Cry 6. I picked the male model because I preferred his voice over her. Or if the female model is like overly sexualized with over the top sized ass, ridiculous sized boobs, a distinct lack of clothing compared to men… No thanks. I want to play as a woman, not play as a “made for horny 14 years old by horny men-children” version of women. No thanks. That kinda thing. But that’s about the only exceptions.

    If I have the option in an RPG, it will be female. I’m gonna play Cyberpunk soon, you can bet your ass it will be a feminine type character. I played Mass Effect, Fem Shepard all the way. That GTA 6, for as little as I am excited by it for many reasons, I’m still very excited that one of the main characters is a woman.

    I’ve always had a preference for playing women. I don’t have a problem playing any character at all. I can always immerse myself in them. It’s rarely an issue. But if I can, I like to play something that I identify myself with more, qnd that’s always been more the case with characters that are fem coded.

    They are usually smaller. Usually thinner than male models. They have a more rounded face. And they tend to have long hair. All of this always fitted much more with who and what I was. I never had much muscle. I was never that tall. My voice, even as I grew into an adult, was never the typical male voice. It always had a bit of femininity in it. I have long hair. I have a more rounded face compared to most men. It always clicked more with me.

    So yeah, there have always been lots of reasons, but it’s always been kind of nebulous as to why I just preferred it, you know? But then I figured out I was trans, so…

  • I think it is impossible to properly state how damaging his existence was to gaming as a whole.

    I would gladly say good fucking riddance, as if it was a victory, if it weren’t for the fact that he is going away with a fuck ton of money. He didn’t lose anything, he just won. And the whole gaming industry, hell, the whlole world suffers because of it. Because this isn’t just about video gamse. The man is a vile piece of shit. And he just gets to walk away and get away with it. Because money is power. The whole thing is just sickening.

  • The artists put their music on streaming platform as well. There is no such thing as ethical consumption under Capitalism. Everything is fucking exploitative as fuck, everything is awful. There is A LOT of things that I refuse to watch, play, listen to, pay for, consume, for ethical reasons.

    Again: I AM NOT PIRATING! I’m using a legal way to access the music I listen to, Deezer. And buying albums that I really love when I can afford it on the side.

  • You’re acting like I’m pirating the music, here. I’m not. I said that I’m using Deezer right now, a legal and paid for way to listen to music.

    I use Deezer and like I said, when I like an album, I still try to buy music from the artists that I love when I can. Which pays them much more then millions of stream.

    I feel guilt free, honestly.

  • I don’t know what to do honestly. I’m fully aware of the situation. Artists deserve better then the shit they’re always getting, I’m not disagreeing. But here’s the thing, buying music is nice and all, but one: Bandcamp is going to shit. And two, I just can’t afford it.

    I’m poor and I listen to a lot of things. Buying all that isn’t possible for me. Right now, I’m using Deezer, because they offered 3 months for free. And you know what? Just the 10 bucks a month that I’m saving is making a huge difference in my life.

    Not to mention that discovering music without streaming services is quite hard. I left Spotify a long time ago, when the home page started recommending me more Podcasts then music. I tried a lot of things and I came to the conclusion that I hate all music streaming platform but they’re still, by far, the best way for me to listen to and discover music.

    If I love an album, I’ll still buy if I can afford it (which I often can’t).

  • Yup. I moved to Mastodon because of it, I don’t trust BlueSky.

    I don’t trust a platform that is funded by the guy who gladly sold the previous one to the moron who’s now in charge. And I don’t trust their claims because as of now decentralized it isn’t. It’s just not. And there is no real reason for them to do so. So eventually they may just walk back their claims and 99% of the user base won’t care about this.

    Plus, this website is going to need to make money eventually. But as of yet, they have no concrete monetization plan, which is basically the norm in nowadays with these kinds of projects. We grow fast, we make money later. How is that going to happen? Is it going to be filled with ads? Is it going to basically make the same mistakes as before? We don’t know.

    Plus again, this is originally made and funded by the guy who made Twitter. And let’s not pretend that Twitter wasn’t already a dumpster fire before the Muskrat came in. It was. Twitter sucked way before this and, personally, I left it waaaay before this guy came in.

    I’m done, personally. I’m done with all of this. If a company is public, I don’t even care about their product anymore. Investors are going to ruin it. Doesn’t apply here, good. If a social media platform is not decentralized, not open source, I don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore. So, no Bluesky I’m done with all of that.

    I am on Mastodon and I’m happy with my choice. And that’s it for me. I’m not trying anything else. I’m happy on there. It’s not filled with ads. I don’t have to worry about investors fucking ruining it eventually. And I don’t have to worry about it becoming a shithole filled algorithmically boosted Neo-Nazis because anger drives engagement and engagement makes money.

    A while back, I was still hesitant. Then I read this article which basically sold me on it.