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Cake day: July 3rd, 2024


  • There’s a bit of a difference though between those computer driven iterative digital numerical methods and an analog continuous geometric object. It’s like comparing pixel density and film grain. At a fine enough precision they become difficult to distinguish, but they are not the same. You could definitely use iterative methods to build a “continuous” solver at an arbitrary precision. We pretty much have to do it that way for any signficantly complex function.

    Sorry, this comment got away from me and feels kind of incoherent now. I’m just trying to say that analog and iterative digital methods have subtle differences that one should remain aware of.

  • The same way 90s kids learned to dress like earlier generations. We learned it from the movies and TV reruns. We learned to dress like 50s greasers from Grease. We got our 60s and 70s hippy fashion sense from Cheech and Chong.

    Grungy Hacker chic: See movies like Hackers (duh), Strange Days, The Matrix, Fight Club, The Crow, Blade, The Fifth Element, Tank Girl, etc. Tight fits. (You can spot the squares in this aesthetic by their baggy tracksuit fits). Lots of dark and dirty retro futurism stuff. Deliberate splashes of vibrant colors if anything other than black. Lots of strange materials you wouldn’t normally consider clothing. Did they literally pick that accessory out of the trash? Maybe. Eyeliner on everyone, even the boys, especially the sad boys. Big black boots.

    For more normal stuff, see the fashions in Weekend at Bernies, Wayne’s World, Airheads, Bill and Ted’s Excellent and Bogus Journeys, Go, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Clerks, Friday, Point Break, My Cousin Vinny, White Men Can’t Jump, Bad Boys, Clueless, Empire Records, etc. Lots of baggy fits. Lots of flannel, usually layered over a T-shirt. Ripped Jeans. Mostly muted subdue colors, with occasional splashes of virbancy, like a loud tie on a brown suit. Big and often long hair on the boys (and no beards). Sneakers. Tracksuits. Typing this out, these styles seem way too real and not all that exaggerated.

    And then very briefly, there was a flash of retro swing revival and everyone wanted to dress like Jim Carey in The Mask.

    I guess younger imitators might try to throw all these styles in a blender and see what comes out. Flannel Goths. Bubblegum Neon Hackers. Zoot Track Suits. Ripped Jeans and literally garbage. No clothes at all, just rocking boots and their cyber deck/stim-suit like a princess from Mars as written by William Gibson.

  • Worse is a hard metric to analyze when comparing 2 different storms. One may have higher winds. Another might dump more rain. Another might have brought a high storm surge to an area that couldn’t handle it. Another might come in kinda mild and just stall, battering one area for a long time. One storm might do massively more damage if it hits Atlanta vs. Miami. I’ll forgive people for getting a little hyperbolic when describing a storm that has personally impacted them. Storms may hit a broad region, but the impact of a storm is always hyper local.

  • Yes, the tech has gotten a lot better. 6 phones over about 12 years (rough length of time since debut of inductive charging in smartphones) averages to about 2 years per phone. If you weren’t getting the flagship phone each year that lifetime would be shorter. That was comparable to the lifetime of each over my phone’s during that same time, none of which had wireless charging. The phone I have now is the first I’ve had to use inductive charging and it has already lasted twice as long as any of the others and shows now signs of deterioration.

  • That’s an interesting theory. I’d like to see some numbers because I really doubt that this heating could be anywhere close to the many other kinds of heat produced through normal phone use. Especially considering that you’re unlikely to be stressing the biggest sources of heat in your phone (the screen and the processor) while it’s sitting in a wireless charging cradle. Also, the charging circuits certainly monitor and adjust for this kind of heat dissipation specifically and are able to control it far better than, for example, the sun hitting the screen or a warm pocket.